baby weights


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2006
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how big were your babies and at how many weeks did you have them

chloe was 8lb15-2weeks late
harry-john 9lb7-2 weeks early and
lily 8lb3-1 week early

if i have another boy hopefully it wont be a heffa like my little lad :lol:
Haylea was 8lb 3oz at 42 weeks.....will let you know the weight of the next one when he/she arrives....
Is it true your babies get bigger in weight....? :?
Jessica was 9lb 3oz and was 5 days late.

I had a scan 4 weeks ago at 34 weeks and baby was measuring 6.5 lbs so this is going to be another biggie.
mine have all been different but at different weeks so really cant tell,boys are big on dh's side so not really looking foward to a boy ecspecially if i go over :shock:
Rubie was 6lb 9oz 3 weeks early
Sophie was 9 pound 11 at 42 weeks

Hope they dont get bigger :rotfl:
Jessica was 6lb 11oz 1 week early,
Aimee was 8lb 11oz 2 weeks late. Really hope this one isn't another 2lb heavier.
Mason and Brody were both 2 weeks late :?
Mason was 8lb 6
Brody 8lb 2
Aaron was 8lb 8.5oz at 42 weeks

My sil had my niece bang on due date and she was 9lb 1oz :shock:
Kayleigh was 6lb 7oz and 19 days overdue.

This one is already measuring big though (4lb1oz at my 30 week scan). :shock:
hassan was 8lb 9 and was 4 days overdue - he was a big baby specially that i have quite a petit frame - the hospital predicted he was going to be a 10lb baby!!! :shock: can u imagine!!! as i'm only 5ft 3 and a size 8!! :shock:
Lydia was 10lbs 10oz and 18 days overdue.
Keryn was 6lb 8 and was bang on her due date

but what was so strange was i didnt go 2 the docs till i was about 18 weeks pregnant and had no idea wen i last had a period and the docs just said 7th of july n she was born that day heehee
georgia was 5 days early & weighed: 6 lb 11 1/2 oz (10 yrs ago :shock: )

josh was bang on due date & weighed: 8 lb 4 oz :shock:

apparantly the midwife said this one is a big baby & i have to have a scan at 38 wks to determine how big!!
i am only a size 10!!!
Lauren was 8lb 5 oz and was 2 days early :D
Megan was 7lb 13oz and was 2 weeks late :D xx
1st 7Ib 8 11 days late
2nd 8Ib 14 6 days late
3rd 7Ib 15 dead on time.
Damien wa 5lb 13oz 6 weeks early - a big preemie!! Would have been about 9 or 10lb on time :shock:

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