Baby weight?

Thanks girls :D
After doing a bit more reading it would appear Levi is doing fine, he is growing well and looks very healthy, i guess i shouldnt get concerned after all i have just bagged up a black bag of clothes he has already grown out of :lol:
Amber was 5lbs 15oz at birth and at 15 weeks she was 13lbs 3.5oz. Will get her weighed again next week, I think shes put on even more though because she's getting heavier by the day! lol
CH0C0H0LIC said:
Hi Hon,

My MW told me that most babies lose weight after they are born but by 2weeks old they should be back to their birth weight usually.

James is bottle fed but his weight from birth went like this:

Birth 9lb 6oz
2wks 9lb 5oz
3wks 9lb 12oz
4wks 10lb 6oz
5wks 10lb 13oz
7wks 11lb 11oz
2mo 12lb 9oz
11wks 13lb 0.5oz
Now (15wks) He weighed in on our home scales as exactly 1 STONE!!

Mind you this is the little Devil that suddenly lunged forward on my lap and attempted to eat my cheeseburger the other day!!!

Levi's weight is fine i'm sure so don't worry :hug:

Sarah xxx

hey Sarah its great to hear from you i havnt seen you on here for a while but i havnt been on as much after having Levi so probably just missing your posts :roll:
Any recent pics of your little man? :D
Violet was 7lb 1oz when she was born,,,she dropped to 6lb 2 in the first week :( by 7 weeks she was 11lb! :shock:
She was breastfed.
I'm sure your Lo is fine.

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