Baby shower!

Suzie and Faith

Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2007
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I've chosen a date for mine! 1st April!! Hehe.
I want it to be more like a birthday party - i don't want the emphasis to be on bringing presents, more on having fun (I love parties, i had a pirate themed one for my last birthday!)

I'm thinking pinatas, party bags, jelly, icecream, silyl games :) and i'll be shopping here!!

anyone else planning one?
I'd hate to have a baby shower :oops:
:oops: All those people bringing me stupid things I don't want and me having to look grateful :oops:
I'm so horrible! :cry:

I'm really worried about the rubbish that people will give us when baby arrives. I researched every single thing we have bought and we have exactly what we want. I think gift vouchers and home made items are very thoughtful. We've had many cardigans, hats and even a shawl knitted for our LO and I love that people have cared enough to spend time making things. But I don't see what people will buy that will be any use or mean anything. I'll probably take things back the shop :oops:
Kalia! :shock:

Thats one of the best bits of having a baby, all the cute clothes you get bombarded with after the birth!
I'd love to have one but I won't be :(

I think I might go away for a few days on my own to relax once I finish school.
Kalia - i know what you mean! Me and my OH have purposely bought all we need so that we can use exactly what WE want. Anything else will be a bonus! Lol.
We're thinking of it more like a birthday party and we're not suggesting any gifts because they aren't important to us.
I just like parties! Lol.
We're having maybe 12 people including me and my OH and it will be 3 close friends and some family and that's it!

I was reading about baby showers and it seems that people are supposed to throw them for you.. lol. But nah, the organising it is all part of the fun.

I might even bake a cake!

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