Baby shakes

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This might sound completely daft, but when Damien wakes up he physically shakes, his hands shake so much, he looks like he is terrified of something or of me :( when he gets excited he shakes alot too. Does anyone elses baby do this? It seems to be getting worse. It couldn't be a sign of hyperactivity or something could it? Like being stumulated too quickly?
i don't know if it's the same thing but when ruben wakes up and then sees me come to pick him up, it looks as if the whole of him is "shaking" with excitement almost like he is saying "pick me up, pick me up, pick me up!" his arms go out to the sides, and he lifts his head and legs off the mattress in sheer anticipation!
If Ella wakes suddenly she does this, particularly if she's been in a deep sleep. I guess it's normal :)
Aimee goes all stiff and shakes her arms and hands, she does it even more when she gets exited.
Frankie does this too if im dangling her favourite toy at her or something like that.
Yes Ella does this too, I think its a sign of exctitement!
Cheers girls. Does that go for waking up too? Coz he isn't excited, he looks terrified. I guess it's sudden stimulation?
Hey sami frankie's exactly the same when she wakes up too tends to get overexcited but i just believe she's glad to see me!!! :D
Lily did something similar yesterday.

she was proped up on my knees and holding my fingers and pulling herself up abit and smiling, then all of a sudden she went bright red and her arms sort of went all stiff and shaky for a few seconds then was fine.
It scared the hell out of me I'm glad this seems to be quite normal.

Sami said:
Cheers girls. Does that go for waking up too? Coz he isn't excited, he looks terrified. I guess it's sudden stimulation?

Exactly like Ella. I guess it's like when we wake from a deep sleep and feel a little disorientated? She's worst when she wakes suddenly in her car seat, she gets proper shaky then :)
I am so glad you have posted this Sami. I told D/H the other day that I was worried that Heidi was having little fits - this post has now reassured me that its just excitement!

This forum is good!

L x

Kiara does this at times too so must be normal.

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