Baby Rhianna scalded,fighting for life :(

Oh I didn't see strangeness post about this until just - sorry for the repeat post :(
I heard about it on the radio, couldnt believe it. Its horrible... poor little soul :cry:
thats is devistating i couldnt begin to imagine the mental pain the parents are feeling and the phsyical pain the poor baby feels.

its heart breaking no one deserves that.

i couldnt bare to think how i would react seeing my baby in that way!

well im going to bed to count my lucky stars and be greatful for what i have. because there are alot of devistating things happpening to families.

its just not fair

I actually go to college with the Rhianna's aunties. It is awful what has happened and they have said she only has 5% chance if surviving not 20 like the news said if she does she may have to have her fingers and toes amputated it is very sad..
I keep reading about this in the paper, everytime i go to look i fear the worst.
The world is a horrible place

This is so sad :cry: i could not imagine this happenign to anyone let along a poor 10 month old, makes me so upset , best wishes are with her family and pray she iwll be okay
Sorry to say that baby rhianna passed away earlier this week. Her funeral is nest thursday. It's so upsetting her aunties are distraught. It has definitly put things into perspective and makes me appreciate my little one so much more
I only heard about this after poor little rhianna passed away. It upset me so much. I've never felt that much grief for a family a dont know. I can't imagine what they must be going through. I just hope that one day they can have another little girl to love.
awful really really awful, cant even begin to imagine what parents are going through :hug: :hug: :hug:

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