Baby Moving More When Eaten?


Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2010
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Is anyone else finding they can feel the baby moving about much more when they have just eaten? I really feel it moving more just after a meal but when I mentioned it to the midwife she looked at me as if I was stupid and said it would just be because I was sitting down! Its not though, I can be sat at my desk at work all day, and the baby defo moves more when have just had my lunch!
everyone reckons its the sugar rush it gets from our food? :S Mine did more alot after my meals but now he seems to have gone towards the back and his kicks aren't as strong :( x but i know he is still moving about x
My baby moves more when i have eaten something esp choclate so dont worry hun your not mental lol because i have the same movements or pehaps were both nutters lol x
Yes, definitely. Mine likes bananas (or hates them) because there is always loads of kicking afterwards.
Yeah, me too! Chocolate or bananas sometimes make mine move. But drinking cold water, that def has an effect, lol!!
Drinking anything fizzy makes the lil man move loadz, and when ive eaten anything, so your not going crazy hun dont worry xxx
Glad its not just me! Those midwives like to make you feel stupid when its your first baby!
try this one liein down but keep your top part of your body lifted if that make sense and try drinkin some cold water and watch the baby go mental x
My Lil one acts like he is on a bouncy castle after I've eaten loool
My baby tells me to eat. She goes mental around dinner time, and gets more wriggly if I delay my meals!
try this one liein down but keep your top part of your body lifted if that make sense and try drinkin some cold water and watch the baby go mental x

why do they do that.......???:shock:
I've had this since 17 weeks. I love it it makes meal times something extra special to look forward to.
Is anyone else finding they can feel the baby moving about much more when they have just eaten? I really feel it moving more just after a meal but when I mentioned it to the midwife she looked at me as if I was stupid and said it would just be because I was sitting down! Its not though, I can be sat at my desk at work all day, and the baby defo moves more when have just had my lunch!

Your MW sounds horrid!

I have been told by my consultant that if I want to make sure I feel baby move daily to have something sweet and within 30-45 mins the baby will move as it will get a sugar rush from what Ive eaten! (Not too many sweets tho as I have Gest Diabetes) lol but yes your right thats exactly what it is!

Your not imagining it at all so dont worry and enjoy feeling your baby move! xx

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