Baby Monitors


Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2008
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My uncle gave me an old baby monitor which he actually used to hear my nan when she was in the other room. Its looking abit old and decrepid and its also one that you have to plug in (both of them).

Now i only live in a 1 bed house so do you think its worth getting a new one? I was eyeing up the tomy walkabout monitor in argos for £29.99 but not sure if its worth it living in such small surroundings?

What would you do?

Claire x
I live in a two bed flat all on one level and the LOs room is just next door to the living room.
We got given a tomy walkabout and we do use it as we tend to shut the doors so we dont disturb LO with the TV or us talking. And i put it on my bedside table when we go to bed.

My advice though is to get a digital one as they are much clearer and dont have the static. I have the classic one which has terrible static on it sometimes
We didn't get one till a few weeks ago. No need as our house is only small (2 bedroomed) and our LO sleeps in with us still. Never had a need for it till recently as LO was more or less always where we were. Plus being a small house we can always hear him if he cries or stirs and we are elsewhere here.

If you do feel the need to get a monitor I'd get a digital one. The old style ones are crap sound wise these days.

BT make a great monitor. Loads of us on PF have it and really rate it. Look around online and you may find it cheaper. We got the same one for £50 ... 020&sr=8-2
My OH's sister has said she will buy us a monitor so will opt for the digital one. Are they all around the same price (£70?) Anyone have any other recommendations?

Claire x
I've got one with a video screen. It's about the size of a large mobile phone so I can carry it around with me. I'm a little deaf so handy that I can see her. We really only use it at night and I have it next to the bed so if she's just making noises in her sleep I can watch her and don't need to go into her room and disturb her to check.
Hazel said:
I've got one with a video screen. It's about the size of a large mobile phone so I can carry it around with me. I'm a little deaf so handy that I can see her. We really only use it at night and I have it next to the bed so if she's just making noises in her sleep I can watch her and don't need to go into her room and disturb her to check.

This wouldnt probably apply to me so much as we are all in one room as i only have a 1 bed unfortunately.

Claire x
Anyone know if the BT digital 100 is that much different to the 150?
nori said:
Anyone know if the BT digital 100 is that much different to the 150?

Its the basic model, not got as many bells and whistles on. I like some of the extras that come with the 150. MP3 and room temp etc.

This is the spec for both of them, some the same, lots more on the 150.


Digital DECT technology with Hi-Def sound
Rubber key zones on both units
Mains or battery powered
Portable parent unit
Two interchangeable power adapters
Sound level indicator LED array
Parent talk back
Mute function on parent unit
Night light with adjustable brightness
Illuminated key zone on baby unit
Multiple polyphonic lullabies
Fully adjustable volume and sensitivity
Range up to 300m outdoors and 50m indoors
Travel bag
Belt clip
Out-of-range warning
Battery low indicator
Rechargeable batteries supplied for parent unit
Manufacturers recommended age: birth and upwards

BT 150

Digital DECT technology with Hi-Def sound
Rubber key zones on both units
Mains or battery powered
Rechargeable batteries in parent unit
Portable parent unit
2x interchangeable power adapters
Sound level indicator LED array
Parent talk back
Mute function on parent unit
Vibrating alert on parent unit
Auxiliary input for external audio sources
Parent voice recording on baby unit
Torch on parent unit
Room temperature monitor
Backlit black and white dot matrix LCD screen
Timer/alerts on parent unit
Night light with adjustable brightness

Illuminated key zone on baby unit
Multiple polyphonic lullabies
Fully adjustable volume and sensitivity
Range up to 300 metres outdoors and 50 metres indoors
Travel bag
Belt clip
Out-of-range warning
Battery low indicator
2x AA rechargeable batteries supplied for parent unit
Manufacturers recommended age: birth and upwards
Thanks for that sherlock, the only thing that maybe useful on the more expensive one is the night light on the unit.. is it quite good as at the moment i only have a normal on/off bedroom light which will be no good for night feeds. The room thermometer i dont need as i have the gro bag egg.
nori said:
Thanks for that sherlock, the only thing that maybe useful on the more expensive one is the night light on the unit.. is it quite good as at the moment i only have a normal on/off bedroom light which will be no good for night feeds. The room thermometer i dont need as i have the gro bag egg.

Its an orange light on the monitor which I like but isn't quite enough to change nappy in dark tbh. We got a battery powered light similar to this (though ours is not anywhere near as bright which is perfect for us, we got it from Woolworths for about £4) ... -9543.html

Until Galen was 4 months old we didn't have a monitor and we just used the night light whnever I needed to change or feed LO. Then once he was back in his basket I'd turn it off and just have the glow from the Gro bag egg. If you get some rechargable batteries (or ours has a main port also which we use) they are well worth it as you can move the light round the room as you need. I carry it over to the change box and then put it next to LO when changing him and so on and it is a perfect amount of light. Also great for feeding. Not at all bright or intrusive.
I dont want to scare anyone but i didnt get a digital monitor because of scare stories about it affecting babies..i think it is referring to cordless digital monitors probably just scare stories but it scared me senseless. I had an analogue one for use at other ppls houses but Haydens room is next door to my room and the front room in my flat as its one level so i always heard him and didnt need one.

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