Baby monitors?


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2010
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Does anyone have any reccomendations for baby monitors? Havent really got a price limit but i'm bored of reading reviews now! Were not bothered about the ones with a screen to look at baby as most of the time i wont be far away and he/she will be in my room. Just looking for some that are reliable.

I want one of them ones you get the mat with it and an alarm dunno if there any good though x
Angelcare sound and movement monitor all the way, the best peace of mind for a newborn. Possibly the best baby purchase we made!
Sorry Shauna I read your post after I replied, there are a few, the angelcare really has to be the best in my opinion, my parents have another brand. We were petrified as LO is a tummy sleeper and it has put our minds at rest, goes everywhere he goes overnight!
I know it's a jungle out there ! my friend has recommended the Babysense one,it's quite expensive,think it's the one XShauna is talking about too.You place the mat under the mattress and if it doesn't detect a heartbeat a light and alarm comes on ! they sell it on amazon and ebay but I wouldn't get a second hand one..
I'm off to google these! One of my friends mentioned BT 150 digital monitor, we had BT house phones though and they were rubbish so that's put me off them xx
Glad to see this thread, I have started looking at them and there is just so many different ones to choose from

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