Baby Monitor

The angelcare sound and movement monitor, has to be our best baby buy!! I couldn't recommend it highly enough and I'm sure some of the other girls would also agree. The movement detector gives us real peace of mind (the alarm sounds if there has been no movement, which includes breathing for 20 seconds). It was the only thing that helped us sleep at night when LO decided he was a tummy sleeper too!
I've got the angelcare too, it costs a bit but I think it's well worth it for peace of mind-I had to move G into his room a couple of weeks ago cos he outgrew his Moses basket and he had a blocked nose at the time and the movement monitor meant I could relax and not have to check him all the time.
We've got a second hand old tomy one and it works fine for us. Before I got that I found an app on my phone that worked quite well - you put your phone in the room with baby and if it detects ongoing noise for longer than a minute then it can either play a recording of your voice to baby, or ring your house phone to let you know that she is crying! Plus you can set it to go on loudspeaker so you can talk to them over the phone lol!

there is an app called iCCTV (easily searched on Apple App Store)
- it takes pictures with your iPhone or iPod touch at pre-defined
time interval and emails them to you. Simple and the cost is $0.99.
If you got iPod touch already, then this is cheapest solution
you will find and is easiest to try out.
Love our angelcare, worth every penny for us

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