Baby holidays abroad??


Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2006
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My mum has just come back from ibiza and has offered to take me and baby faith abroad!
Im not sure whether to go because im concerned of

1. How she will cope with the flight?
2. Would it be too hot??

Would like to know how young your babies were when you first took them abroad and through your experiance would it be best to wait?

Mason first went abroad when he was about 6 months. It was great, as long as you are prepared you'll be fine.

Don't worry about the flight, you can get to Spain in a couple of hours it'll be fine. We went to lanzarote and it was about a 4 hour flight. we just took a few toys and passed him back and forth a bit. Go for it!
Hi hun

I know I mentioned all this in chat but thought I'd put it here to.
Me and hubby were going to go to prague with lily last August when she was 8 weeks old, I know the weather isn't the same there but can help about the flight.

I asked my HV about taking her she said that there shouldn't be a problem with taking her.
About the flight, She told me that as I'm breastfeeding her I should make sure I'm feeding her when we are taking off and landing to stop her ears popping due to the pressure, I assume them same goes for bottle fed babys to have a bottle (or I suppose a dummy) to suck on during this time.

As for the heat, when are you planning on going? I would proberly avoid july and august, and proberly go september/ early october the weather is still really good just abit cooler, and as long as you keep LO in the shade well hydrated and covered in suncream I don't see it being a problem.

If you decide to go get plenty of pics, I'm sure you'd all love it.

God I take so long to post Urchin got in there while I was typing :rotfl:
awww wow shell go for it its probably what you need and your mum wil;l be there for you for any helo you need.

we were going to go in june but due to heat we are going to peurto rico in september/october getting a last minute deal.

I just got told that make sure you keep baby in the shade keep topping up tan and between 12 - 2pm go inside as its the hottest point, which wouldnt be a problem you could probably get her napping then couldnt you and go for dinner or something.

If you do go by the september time then you would get away with taking her in a stroller as she will be about 8/9 months old instead of dragging a huge buggy about, and she will be on alot more solids then so tbh i dont think it will be too hard.

I think I could quite confidently take Alfie away right now but i think the fact we took him away for the weekend first made me more confident perhaps if you are worrie you could go with J and faith to center parcs or something first to boost your confidence in taking her away.

as for the flight lol get some medised and dose her up before you go make her drop off :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: justy kidding, if your not going far then just give her a b ottle and keep her entertained with toys and little snacks etc, a couple of hours would go by quickly and youll be fine.

I hope you do go I think it would boost your confidence no end and you would really enjoy it :hug:
Were taking our LO when he's 5/6 months old too. Were going long-haul though so hoping he'll sleep for most of that, we'll take a few books/toys etc too and have started getting together lots of UV protection things, i.e. a tent thing for the beach, a proper swimming outfit and getting in things like baby suncream (designed for delicate baby skin SPF40+) as that's kinda pricey at around £10.99 per bottle!! Even though were not going in the height of summer it will still be hot there so have bought things like sun hats, mosquito nets and other bits so he should be well protected. I think since your only going to Spain you'll be fine, it's a short flight and most people speak English there anyway!! You can buy nappies/food/wipes etc over there so really I think she'll cope fine. Take your mum up on the offer and enjoy it!!

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