Anyone in Scotland? Have just filled out my form for the baby box and wondering if anyone has had one yet? Will you be letting your baby sleep in the Box?
Hi kinkers, I filled in the form the week they came out and got a text notification to say my request had been received and they will text again when it is shipped. I'm due on the 26th and I think in future they plan to get them to mum's up to 4 weeks before birth but as they are just starting out they are likely to be close to due date or even slightly after.
I'm not planning to use the box for sleeping as this is my third baby and I therefore seem to have acquired every possible sleeping and bouncing thing. To be honest I think the box for sleeping is really aimed at those people really struggling to have the money for suitable baby furniture in those first few months. Everything that comes with the box looks brilliant though - I can't believe how much is in it! X
I know it's amazing isn't it!! I'm not expecting mine until after baby has arrived. This is my second so baby will be sleeping in a moses basket but I find it really interesting to read about how boxes in Finland have helped with infant mortality rates... think I'd just find it a bit weird putting my baby in a box, funny how it's completely normal to them!
Yes I filled out my form at my booking in appointment and was also amazed at everything that was in it! Felt a bit bad signing up for it as really I don't need it but the midwife said it was an entitlement so??
Yeah I mean obviously they are optional in that you don't have to take one but the government intended for everyone to have one so that everyone starts out the same. They worked on the theory that just because some people have more money than others doesn't mean they will necessarily buy the things a baby needs. Also it would have cost more to implement if it was means tested because of all the paperwork that would involve x
Charli there are actually a couple of places in England that do them but obviously no national program. I'm from London originally and my mum was banging on about how it was her taxes paying for it (it's not, it's not paid for our of taxes) and how it was all a big SNP show piece. I told her to pipe down and stop being ridiculous because this will make such a big change to some families out there and would do in England too x
Yeah they are a good idea I think, they've worked in Finland for years! You can buy them as well, but more like as a gift and they are massively expensive!
MissCharli - you guys are getting 30 free hours childcare for 3 year olds and we aren't - I think I'd rather that than a box haha!
I saw something on Facebook the other day about free baby boxes, didn't really read it but lots of people were commenting about receiving theirs. Think you just need to fill out a survey.
Kinkers we will get 30 hours free childcare. It's 15 at the moment but it will rise and is planned to be in place for children that are born currently - I forget the exact date but I know it is happening x
Yeah I know we'll get it eventually. My town were supposed to be trialling it this year but don't think it's going ahead now cos they couldn't recruit enough staff! I'm v grateful for the 15 though.
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