Baby bouncers


Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2008
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Hi mums,

Just a quickie.. are baby bouncers ok for newborns? i put ollie in it today and he fell asleep. We put the vibrations on and he seemed happy enough. Now i know that babies shouldnt be in car seats for too long so does the same apply to baby bpouncers?

Claire x
I think it's similar to car seats, they're fine to use for a newborn but they shouldn't spend too long in one.
Yeah, I didn't use ours for Galen till he was about 6 weeks old. Had I used it beforehand I'd have not left him in it for ages, just for 30 minutes or so. Not for sleeping when so small (but others might say differently on that bit, each to their own)
Poppy has been in hers since day one but it's a multi position one that lies right back so she was flat anyway
Ryans been in his since day one as well, it lays flat so i dont see the problem
Caelan used his from day one and loved it, he outgrew it at about 4 months though! We bought a frame that attached to our pushchair to turn it into a rocker after that! That way he could use it completely upright to eat and play and then lay it flat to have his naps!
Aimee was about a week old when she first used the bouncer but it reclined back so she was lying down. I let her sleep in it for 30 minutes max and then moved her into the moses basket.

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