babies position


Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2007
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hi guys

just wanted to rack your brains.

I am about 30 weeks and carrying mega low, my babies head feels about an inch about my pelvis and all my kicks are near my belly button and punches in my bladder, there are times I think she will fall out if I strain.

I have kept very active until now, dancing, walking, yoga but getting a bit worried now. I think she has her back to my tummy but my belly button does sink in a wee bit.

Do you think she is going to come early? I have BH everyday and with walking. I will pack my hospital bag just in case as she needs to cook at least another 7 weeks.

If anyone has any advice on baby positions would be greatful as I have read some websites and get mega confused, anterior, posterior...just confuses me....

p.s never had one kick in my ribs and my heartburn has gone !

hi ginny

i have also stayed active and like you get BH when walking, in fact as soon as i stand up my stomach goes rock hard and uncomfortable. I dont think i look like im carrying low but all my kicks are wriggles down low, or 'rolling' movements in my sides /level with belly button, ive never had a kick in the ribs either although i can feel her digging in under my ribs if i slouch while sitting at the computer

at 28 weeks mine was transverse and im not too sure if it feels a lot difference since then...

But I posted about where i feel the movements recently and the consensus was she could be head down, cos of all the wriggling low where the hands would be. Remember the baby is all folded up so feet are near hands except when stretching out!

i have a mw appointment next week and hopefully will find out then
oh, i have a ridge that sticks out on my belly button if i lie back in a certain way which looks very strange ..hmm does that indicate what way round she is (back to back /tummy to back?)
Hi gymbabeliz

we sound very similar...esp about the braxton hicks when walking and the fact we are having girls even tho they say girls are high.

At my last app MW said she was head down kind but not which way.

I have an app next wed also so I will see what they say.

ta for the advice, I will keep on my birthing ball and walking tho as it makes me feel good. (shame about my bum tho re last post :oops: )
I was told a dip in your belly button indicated back to back
it is popping out but there is a teeny saucer like dip around it.,,,

hmmm doesn't sound good, at least I have time for her to move...
I get all my kicks around or below my belly button which i though was the feet and hands where she was curled up.

I dont get rib kicks because i have a high placenta so i dont feel them.

She was head down at 28 weeks so im hoping she has stayed head down.

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