Babies at 43 years

Not rude at all.
She doesn't like posting on public forums, she will read through her daughters forum but that is her limit so I was just wondeirng for some info, :)
My mum was 40 years old when she had me (my dad was 40 too), and i turned out just fine :wink: She was made aware of the risks invlved with being an older mother etc, and decided to have the amnio thingy tested on me when she was about 16 weeks pregnant to see if i had downs, obviously i didn't so all was well and good.

My parents were trying for a baby since they were 26 apparently, but they didn't get one til they were 37 (my brother) then me at 40 :)

it is a bit weird that all my friends' parents are late 40's, and mine are now 60 though! it was a tad strange growing up, people wondering if they were my grandparents etc....
Apparently there's a big different and jump in risks between 40 & 43.A :(
My SIL is 40 and just had little one and a work colleague is 42 and has a gorgeous 10 month old. :hug:

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