Awful night :-(


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2011
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Ive had an awful night.
Had about 3 hours sleep due to really bad cramping and back ache.
My bump is so unbelievably tight and rock solid which is making Austin restless. Every time he moves, its like I've been stabbed with a knife!
Felt sick all night but haven't actually been sick.
Having the tiniest wee every 10 minutes!
And pretty much feel like ****!
Rant over.
Hope you guys are all good today.
I am with you on that rant Hun! I've been the same way with really bad heart burn and nightmares. I just want have this baby now if she is safe to come grrrr. I hope you have a better day than you did night xx
I've not been too bad apart from the top of my legs going numb so I have to keep turning over. Not long left :) xxxx
Hun get yourself down the gp or assessment unit. Being like that for so long has exhausted me and they can help you, I really do wish I hadn't put up with it for so long. Hope you get some rest :hug: xxxxxxxxx
I've not been too bad apart from the top of my legs going numb so I have to keep turning over. Not long left :) xxxx

I keep turning every minute too but can't get comfy, numb legs doesn't sound nice for you. The things we have to go through in pregnancy if only our partners could do shift work with us it would be great lol.

Changing the subject a bit here but where is the baby April? I noticed us April bunch seem to be staying quite.
Im going to try and get some sleep then will ring the midwife unit.
Good luck Hun, I hope they are helpful! Let us know how you get on with them if you can xxx
Changing the subject a bit here but where is the baby April? I noticed us April bunch seem to be staying quite.

I think all of us early April girls are hoping we can still make March lol. Although I think Albert's bricked himself up in my womb and I'll still be pregnant in August :roll:
Sam honestly I went to the assessment unit with eyeballs on stalks, no make up and slurring my words I was that tired lol, the worse you look the more sympathetic they will be so try to get seen before you nap if you can possibly help it. Obviously though if you have to drive yourself don't do that without resting. Good luck xxxxxxxxxx
OH has helpfully just left for work with the parting words 'if you need me, leave a message on my voicemail and il try and call you back!'
So looks like I'll be ringing him when I get back!
Will give them a call now x
Bloomin men lol. If I were you I'd ring up and leave a message of just panting through a contraction :D. But I'm evil like that
Ive got to go to Day Assessment to be checked.
They think its just a urine infection but they want to check me to be on the safe side.
Waiting for OH to respond to his voicemail now!
Good luck hun, hope you get some rest soon xxxxxxxx
Back from hospital now.
Had to be strapped to a monitor for an hour and all seems ok.
Got to go back tomorrow to be checked again but they think its a combination of early labour and a urine infection.
Ah ok, well worth getting checked then, you don't want a uti getting out of control this close to birth. Fx for the labour to kick off very soon :D xxxxxxxx
Thanks, might go trampolining this afternoon!!!
Might bounce him down a bit!

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