Ava Jane birth story!


Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2011
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Bit late - sorry guys!

As you may remember, i went in to hospital 2 weeks ago today to be induced at 7.45am. First time didn't take, so i had another examination at 6 pm and more gel. By 9pm i had started getting seriously bad back pain, and period like pains had started. Mum (birth partner) left at 10, and i attempted to get some sleep! I was examined at midnight, by which point i was 1 1/2 cm dialated, but apparently on the way...!
I didn't sleep much that night, had endless amounts of baths at 3 in the morning and played alot of sudoku! I wasn't examined until 1 the next afternoon, but was thrilled and relived to be told i was 5 cms gone! I had to wait until 6 ish to be moved up to the labour ward, by which time the contractions were close together and fairly strong.

I was installed in my room and examined by the student (have to say, to anyone who would be nervous about having a student there, don't be. Louise was fabulous and such a great support, especially as i didn't really take to the MW). I was hooked up to the moniter and when the MW examined me she said i had to go on a hormone drip and stay on the moniter as i was still only 5 cms. My action plan kinda fell apart then, as not only did the drip mean my contractions started coming with the speed of light, but the moniter meant i couldn't move. I was violently sick everywhere, which got dramatically worse as i had gas and air and before shift ended at 8 i asked for, and was given a shot of diamorphine.

When the next MW came on, she took the moniter off and said a clip on the babys' head would be a better idea. When she went to do it, she found i was 8 cms gone and said they should have examined me before they gae me the diamorphine. Anyway, it kicked in and made pushing her out the hardest thing i have ever done. Everytime i got a contraction, it seemed to take me forever to catch up with it enough to push as i was so drugged!

Ava was born at 11.00pm exactly, healthy and crying and without any tears, stiches or problems. Bloody painful but worth every second!


Awww so cute, congratulations and well done I bet it was hard pushing whilst having the effect of the diamorphine. Well done! What did she weigh?
She's gorgeous. Well done and big congratulations xx
Congratulations hunny, she is absolutely gorgeous x x

Aww what a beautiful baby!! Well done!
Congratulations hun, she's gorgeous! I love her name too. x x
well done you! Congrats, she is beautiful xxx
Just catching up, congratulations hun, she's gorgeous!


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