at what age ?


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2011
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hey ladies quick question at what age did you put your little one in his or her cot/cot bed and how did they sleep??? my little lady sleeps in her Moses basket in the cot but this past few days she is not settling i didn't and haven't put her in her cot bed because i read way too much about cd she also stays awake for longer periods of time took her to the doctors the other day to make sure she was ok and he said that she was very healthy so what do you ladies think do you think it would be ok to try her in her cot thanks in advance xx
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I didn't move my LO into his cotbed until he was about 5 months but he was in a crib not a moses basket, which I know are smaller. I was anxiuos about moving him as I thought the cotbed may be way to big for him and it would unsettle him but actually he loved the extra room :) Sorry I couldn't be more help, good luck :)
I moved my LO at about 4 and a half months. Ideally I would have kept him in his crib until 6 months as the cot wouldnt fit in our bedroom, but he was too big for his crib.
We all slept better when he moved into the cot, but your LO is still very young. Have you tried swaddling to see if that helps your LO settle?
no hun not tried that as my health visitor said not to do that as it highers the risk of cot death the only place she seems to settle is on my chest she goes to sleep straight away but as soon as i put her in her Moses basket she starts crying :S x
I put both my lo's in cot at just a few weeks but that was right next to my bed, they both hated Moses basket. As for swaddling to prevent overheating you could swaddle until a sleep then unwrap them thats what I do when its warm.

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my bed is right next to her cot and i have the same with my daughter she just crys when in her moses basket but was not like this when she was first born she also moves to one side of the moses basket alot lol i dont know what to do to be honest i want to do whats best for her but at the same time i want to make sure she is safe and happy x

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