at what age to start baby rice?


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2005
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the box says 4 months but i don't want to leave it that long.. what age was your LO when you started them on baby rice?

Jacob is 5 weeks - he takes 6 bottles of 5oz SMA GOLD... he doesn't always finish the 5oz bottle and will then scream for another bottle before 4 hours. Do you think he wants something else?

I was thinking of trying him on rice soon (a week or 2) what do you think?

God no, he is a normal 5 week old! Stick with what he's on now babe, Damien was on about that at the corrected age but was fed every 3 hours, your lucky it's every 4!
Go with his routine, don't force him into a four hour routine if he don't wanna go into it, feed on damand babe xx
seriously dont move him to solids yet, it can really harm his digestive system as its not mature enough to handle any solids for a while yet. I know some mums say how thay gave babay rice in bottles, or crushed up rusks but this is very dangerous! If he is not satisfied on SMA Gold ty SMA white its formulated for hungrier babies, I had to give noah this cause SMA gold didnt fill him enough either.
you and lauramumof2 sound in the same boat hun,

alot of people go mad at the thought of it before 4months.
some wont even before 6months.

i topped harley up with rusks from 4months but with Dior she was 13weeks ans she was fine.

in the old days children were weaned much earlier. my nan loves telling me :lol:

every baby is different hun so ild just trust your feelings

6/7weeks is a bit early for me i wouldnt before 13weeks but then my 2 were prem babies so it might have been different
thanks sami - i thought i was doing something wrong... sometimes he'll go up to 5 hours then other times only 3... i thought maybe he was not getting enough. If you think he's taking enough then i'll leave the rice for a while long.

thanks cat and dionne- you must have been posting the same time as me. (don't want you to think i was just replying to sami) I'm probably a paranoid mum thinking i'm starving my baby.... he's putting weight on okay! just that he screams like mad when he's hungry.. this is probably normal too!!!! i just thought he must be starving.

4 hours does seem long Hayley ... Ellis is taking between 4-5 ounces every 3 hrs ... but he will moan for one before say 2 1/2 hrs but i hold him out and take his mind of it till 3 hrs.

At night he choses the time... normal every 4-5 hrs.

I girl in my area said it says in her book that there little belly are ready for food but 17 weeks .... but now HV's are sayinf 6 months!!! yer right.

sorry to hear your having a rough time.... :hug: bet he is a little cutie now though xxxx
hayley said:
thanks sami - i thought i was doing something wrong... sometimes he'll go up to 5 hours then other times only 3... i thought maybe he was not getting enough. If you think he's taking enough then i'll leave the rice for a while long.


He definately is babe. Their tummies are so small at this stage, and sometimes they will take a bit more or a bit less. Definately hold off on the rice hun. I know it's tiring getting up, but at 5 weeks I was still up every 3 hours for 1.5 hours each time just trying to get 3 or 4oz down Damien and make it stay! It is tough these early weeks babe, but I promise it does get easier.

They are supposed to wak alot, and mess you about for weeks at a time, etc. Hungry baby milk would b the option before rice, but he really doesn't sound like he needs it, just feeding more often coz his tummy can only take so much xxx
i'm not struggling with his feeds... it was just me being a worrier... i'm made up i get 4 hours out of him. A friend of mine only gets between 2 1/2 to 3 hours out of her little boy... I think it's just that i don't really know too many people with new babies so i was comparing jacob to my friends little boy who is older... glad i managed to find some time to log on here...

I'm happy now!

That's good sweetie. Don't question yourself, go with him :) He'll increase when he's ready and when you get to 4 months and add solids, then you'll decrease bottles and wonder if he's having too much instead of food :lol:

:hug: :hug: :hug:
have a swatch at my farex post, we are having the same problem 8)
To cut a long story short I was giving him rusk, its not made a difference and now ive stopped.
oliva is exactly the same as Ellis even now she is on the 2nd stage milk, some days she does go longer than 3 hours but most days she feeds every 3 hours!

she was also very hungry at 5 weeks but my health visitor told me that babies sometimes go trhough a growth spurt when they come uoto 6 weeks old and that she should settle down whens she passes 6 weeks, and she did!
thats interesting kelly... maybe jacob is going throu his growth spurt... he's 5 weeks and a day...

i got told by the HV because my daughter was having 2 9oz feeds in a hour when she was 3 months, they told me to give her a couple of spoons of baby rice in the morning.



This seems to be an ongoing thing every doc says somthing different my nurse said 4-6 months i tried Kiara at 5 but she wanted non of it so she started at 6 months.
Good luck
Ditto what every body else has said, it's perfectly normal for babies of that age to wake up for feeds every 3 to 4 hours. They've only got tiny tummys at that age.

The advice my HV gave me is that once he starts emptying a bottle, go up and ounce. Isaac is 15 weeks tomorrow (10 weeks corrected age), and he still feeds every 3 - 4 hours in the day time. It's only after the last evening feed that he'll go 6.5 hours.
hayley he sounds completely normal! Hayden has 5oz every 3-4 hours he was on 4oz every 3 hours and 5oz at his last feed but it wasnt enough so i just put him up to 5 on all feeds.
We started to give Jamie baby rice at 3 months as he was finishing 5 9oz bottles in a 24hr period :shock: after a week or so we gave him a bit of rusk which he couldn't get enough of, then we started with veg & fruit when he was about 4 months.

I've had one h/v say to wait until he's 6 months to start him on any solids & another say 'I take it you're giving him solids as he's such a big boy' this was at his 4 month weigh in! so I reckon to just go with your flow & do what feels right for you.

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