at last!


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2007
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cadens rolling! :clap: :dance: :clap: :dance: :cheer:

after 2 months of being told they think he was developmentally delayed (whatever thats supposed to mean!)hes proved em wrong and today at giggle n wiggle he did a complete roll from back to tum and back again.And he did it at home as well.

way to go my little man :D
Do you mind me asking why they thought he was developmentally delayed?
i dont mmind you asking at all.they thought it because hes 21 weeks old and basically this is the first 'big' thing hes done.before he wouldnt even hold his head up,he was just floppy all the time.they thought that his muscles in his neck werent very strong and also that he hadnt learned to use them properly.we were seen weekly by the health visitor and we were seen by a gp who referred him to a paediatrician,they said they would leave it til october (his next paediatric review)but if he hadnt started rolling or holding his head up by himself then they would put physio in place. Ive been doing weekly baby massage classes and wiggle and giggle sessions as well as things my health visitor showed me to do at home like lots of tummy time,putting him in a bumbo and using a baby walker.
Oh i remember now you posting about his neck.
I am so glad to hear of his improvement :)
Sorry the only reason i asked was that you mentioned about him rolling and thought they were going by that milestone.
well it means he probably wont have to go down the physio route which is a milestone for caden.i hate it when they label kids they are all individals arent they.
My LO is nearly 7 months old and he can only roll onto his tummy but cant roll back onto his back yet. Ive been worried bout this for quite some time, do you think i should mention it to my HV?

T xx
I think babies do things in their own time and when they are ready.If youre worried or concerned then it wouldnt do any harm to mention to your health visitor even if its just for your own peace of mind,perhaps if you go to get him weighed at baby clinic?just mention you are concerned.Im sure your LO is absolutely fine and he will do it in his own time.let me know what happens and how LO is :hug:

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