At last pics from my 12 week scan


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2010
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OK so I know I should have posted these earlier but I don't have tapatalk any more and I couldn't resize my pics on the Mac (been a PC user all my life and this Mac confuses me!!). I saw that a few ladies were using Image Shack so I've done that instead woo!

So, yes, here is my baby at the 12 week nuchal scan. Pics are so blurry compared to everyone else's but baby looked fine on actual scan :)

Ooh this means I can finally do my bump pics, too :yay:

Lovely scan pics hunny :)
Cant wait to see a bump pic x x

M2A - aw thanks, lovely lady! I'll be doing a bump pic later today! It looked nice yesterday and actually bumpy rather than 'who ate all the Pringles?' lol!

Kezza! - Hello lovely how are you? Send me a PM and fill me in on what's been going on!

Ah glad you managed to get them up, I haven't done any bump pic yet but then I don't have a bump really yet!
It'll suddenly just be there! And I'll be tuning in to see it when you upload your pic :hugs:

What lovely 12 week pics - way better than mine were.... Glad to see you're doing great!
Tracey yours were lush!! Mine are so blurry - made worse by piccing them with a rubbish camera phone lol!

Jen - ooooh do you think? How can you tell? Is this the nub theory? I am convinced it's a girl. And still the wracking of brain continues over whether or not to find out!

At first i thought not so sure, i'm not great at guessing!

But i was convinced i was having a girl, and turns out i am :) so gut instinct hun could mean your team pink!

We always said we would want to find out, i think its mainly for focusing on a name and buying clothes etc. :) xxx
Scottishlassie - I love it when people guess! It makes it all so exciting hehe!!
Aww I've just seen it's only 100 or so days until you see your little girl - how sweet is that!

I've got this image of the baby in a white cardigan - probably cos I bought white wool and knitting needles the day I found out lol - so again this is another thing to dissuade me from finding out. I will have to do a pros and cons list. A massive con will be that I will be a twitchy so-and-so until EDD if I don't find out!!

Awwwh that's lovely!! 12 week scan made it so real for me and now i have proper little bump and can feel bambino dancing around now and again, it's starting to really sink in now!!

eeeeeeeee aren't we just all so lucky? I'm smiling from ear to ear at the thought of all us yummy mummy's to be!! xxxx
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Awwwh that's lovely!! 12 week scan made it so real for me and now i have proper little bump and can feel bambino dancing around now and again, it's starting to really sink in now!!

eeeeeeeee aren't we just all so lucky? I'm smiling from ear to ear at the thought of all us yummy mummy's to be!! xxxx

Awwww your happiness is infectious!! That just made me go 'YEAH!! :D' lol!

Hehe i agree with sunny, princesspeanut your happiness is very infectious! I've been having such a happy day today and reading that made me even happier :)!!

Sunny - i didn't even notice that, almost down to double figures days until my baby is due!!! :shock: :)
Yeah i do admire people who can wait that long to find out, but i'm very impatient, and OH was happy to find out as well so thats what we done. I suppose its just down to each person really on how they feel. I know i won't have the massive surprise of finding out if its a girl or a boy, but it will still be the best day ever meeting our little girl :).

Tracey yours were lush!! Mine are so blurry - made worse by piccing them with a rubbish camera phone lol!

Jen - ooooh do you think? How can you tell? Is this the nub theory? I am convinced it's a girl. And still the wracking of brain continues over whether or not to find out!


Nah - I'm rubbish at the nub theory - I thought mine looked like a little lady but I've convinced we're having a cool dude ;-)

I think you're bean looks like a little fella too - cute! x
Scottishlassie - you're so right - there is no way anything will take away from meeting your LO on the day :yay:

Jen - aww a little cool dude that is so sweet!


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