Artificial insemination


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2016
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So I've bitten the bullet and bought all the insemination kit, just in case DH isn't up to it next week. I just can't take another month with us missing the peak fertility time. I don't think we've got the timing right in the last year and all the pressure is affecting his performance. I'm hoping we don't have to use's meant to take the pressure off.

He's also agreed to go to the GPs and get a sperm test next week so hoping the change of strategy will work.
FX for you Sunflower1! I hope it will help and you hit peak time this cycle! Good luck with the GP also! :)
I hope it helps.

My best friend has used a donner and used these moon cups which hace great results. I heard about them on here actually. Anyway she got pregnant in the first time. She monitored her ycle and at peak time she did it twice and is now 17 weeks pregnant x
Blueclass, that's fantastic and really encouraging. I am planning on using the syringe method. I'm concerned I would get mooncups stuck! I've heard that both methods have good success rates. Just makes sense I think if you are struggling to get the timing right. I've ordered some Conceive Plus to help the process. I'm using Clear Blue Advanced opks too for the most accurate fertile window. I turn 42 in a few months and am determined to get pregnant!
Mooncups...that's interesting! I've never heard of this before, how exactly does it work?
I'm using soft cups this cycle, how to describe? Erm it's soft plastic circle rim with a sort of trampoline plastic bag. But like an unrolled condom to look at but bigger. Me and hubby have been doing the deed since cd#10 I pre insert some pre seed to get it to body temp, we do the deed he finishes inside then I insert the soft cup to keep the sperm near the cervix I wear until morning or for the day depending on what time it is and then take it out. Soft cups unlike moon cups don't have a "handle" to aid with removal but I've had no problems (my huge concern with these) in getting it out. Similarly some put the pre seed in the cup and have a direct sperm sample in the cup and then insert.
Well a family member just had a baby and she is 45 so dont worry and best of luck x
I might try mooncups or softcups in conjunction with the syringe method. Hubby seems to be more enthusiastic about it now. Just read an article that said after 6 months of TTC 4 out of 10 men have performance issues. Kind of relieved.
Good luck Sunflower! Glad your OH has agreed to a sperm test also. Hopefully it just puts both of you minds at ease.
Ended up doing a test run today and it was really easy! Good to know we have it as a back up so we can get the timing right.
My friend put alot of research into these cups and told me that couples who had been trying over a yr gave these ago and was pregnant soon.
I'm using soft cups this cycle, how to describe? Erm it's soft plastic circle rim with a sort of trampoline plastic bag. But like an unrolled condom to look at but bigger. Me and hubby have been doing the deed since cd#10 I pre insert some pre seed to get it to body temp, we do the deed he finishes inside then I insert the soft cup to keep the sperm near the cervix I wear until morning or for the day depending on what time it is and then take it out. Soft cups unlike moon cups don't have a "handle" to aid with removal but I've had no problems (my huge concern with these) in getting it out. Similarly some put the pre seed in the cup and have a direct sperm sample in the cup and then insert.

:hugs: thank you!! I'm totally going to get me some of these now! :dance:
I'm using soft cups this cycle, how to describe? Erm it's soft plastic circle rim with a sort of trampoline plastic bag. But like an unrolled condom to look at but bigger. Me and hubby have been doing the deed since cd#10 I pre insert some pre seed to get it to body temp, we do the deed he finishes inside then I insert the soft cup to keep the sperm near the cervix I wear until morning or for the day depending on what time it is and then take it out. Soft cups unlike moon cups don't have a "handle" to aid with removal but I've had no problems (my huge concern with these) in getting it out. Similarly some put the pre seed in the cup and have a direct sperm sample in the cup and then insert.

Where do you get softcups from? I looked on Amazon and they were mega expensive. Can you reuse them? Thanks. x
You can't get them in the uk unfortunately, I bought one on eBay that turned out to be from a lesbian couple that used them to conceive successfully twice but bought plenty in the U.S as they thought the journey to conception would be longer. She is currently just a few weeks pregnant she has a post on another forum sharing their journey, she gave me advice on how they used them to get a positive pregnancy test. They are disposable but I sterilise mine and reuse and it's perfectly fine. I paid £3 for mine.
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Is this the kind of thing? It's £4 on a UK site.

The AI thing is working out DH says it has taken the stress off completely. He's read some medical articles that say there is as much chance as normal dtd. Apparently a lot of fertility clinics are putting it out there that it doesn't work, as all the people DIYing it with the help of the internet is considerably eating into their profits. For the first time in 2 years we've manage to time it perfectly around ovulation and were both really relaxed. Only time will tell.
Yes that's it. I'm so pleased that finding a different approach has helped with your journey and you've made good use of your fertile window. I think anything that helps take the stress and pressure away is a good thing. I'm the big 4 0 in a few months so I've taken to alternate ways too as I'm fully aware my chances are already lower. My hubby had a talk with me last week as it was keeping him awake at night about his own concerns I suppose it's easy to forget that although less emotive than females they still have worries and can sometimes feel like a machine used for the swimmers. I'm pleased however our relationship allows us to talk about it and not to withdraw from the whole thing.
Yes that's it. I'm so pleased that finding a different approach has helped with your journey and you've made good use of your fertile window. I think anything that helps take the stress and pressure away is a good thing. I'm the big 4 0 in a few months so I've taken to alternate ways too as I'm fully aware my chances are already lower. My hubby had a talk with me last week as it was keeping him awake at night about his own concerns I suppose it's easy to forget that although less emotive than females they still have worries and can sometimes feel like a machine used for the swimmers. I'm pleased however our relationship allows us to talk about it and not to withdraw from the whole thing.

Glad you and your hubby talked about it. I think sometimes men hold things in and it's easy to think they are coping fine. I had no idea how stressed my DH was about it all. I am 42 in a couple of months - it's really easy to get more and more stressed and panicky as it feels time is running out. A good book for encouraging over 40 women is 'The Impatient Woman's Guide to Getting Pregnant'. Women our age are more likely to drop more than one egg per cycle so may be much more fertile than we think!

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