arrggghhh i have spd


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2007
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ive been suffering with terrible pelvic pain and have been told ive got spd, its sooo painful.

ive even heard horror stories of it getting that bad some people are wheel chair bound from 3 weeks :shock:

oh o!
awww, :hug: :hug: :hug: sorry you have to go through this, it does sound pretty unpleasant! I hope it doesn't effect you too badly :hug:
I have it again this time round...I see an osteopath and take a homeopathic remedy called Ruta 200c (one at bedtime one in the morn) this really helps. I only take this prescription as needed eg...after i've over done it...easy to do with four children already. The osteopath has saved me from ending up on crutches...its definately worth a go if your suffering. PM me if you'd like any further advice
:hug: i know how you feel x
I had it in my first pregnancy but it only appeared in the last few weeks. I had about 3 physio appointments (one a week) before giving birth. I think I was very lucky and didn't get it as badly as some as I didn't need crutches.

It's starting to come back this time around but isn't too bad at the moment, more annoying than painful. I hope it stays that way!

I hope yours doesn't play up too much and you can get some help for it
i had it in my first pregnancy, got really bab getting out of bed/upstaires etcetc. horrible sensation of 'crunching' clicking alot.

i had pain again last night for the first time in this pregnancy. (turning over in bed is a nightmare)... its started really early... REALLY hoping it wont go too bad. i cant just relax, i have a six month old!
I've been seeing a natural physio (no such thing as osteopaths here really :think: ) but she's been fab, and I've hardly had any problems, just occasional if I lift something heavy (my DD's school bag will do it) or if I've walked lots and lots...

I'd have to say it was worse the first time round, but then I didn't have any help because 8 years ago it wasn't really recognised. But this time, it's had more threapy...

You need to rest with SPD as much as possible... :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: it bloody hurts too so loads of sympathy hugs hun...
i was having pain in the sp joint.. when i sat walked etc etc etc... after walking round solidly for 3 days in disney it got better.. really silly dont know why it did it.. but it is miles miles better.. the dr says to rest where exercise makes it better for me.. very odd...but if it starts up i got fro a fair walk.. and it gets better for some reason
wow all you got it too? (there was me thinking i was special lol) :rotfl:

ah anyone know what causes it?

im referred to prenatal physio this fri, hope they can help

thanks ladies xxx
mrsbrickelltobe said:
ah anyone know what causes it?

I think it's the pregnancy hormone relaxin that makes the ligaments go soft. Because the pelvis is made up of 3 bones held together with ligaments it's starts to seperate.
I think this is supposed to happen during labour to allow the baby to pass through, but when you get spd it's the hormones making the ligaments relax too much, too soon
i also have spd, my bones are grinding together its awful i am in agony alot of the time!!! i start physio next week so hopefully i will have some relief!!!
I had it confirmed that I have it a few days ago at physio but luckily so far the pain is bearable unless ive overdone so im hoping it stays this way and doesnt get any worse :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray:
i'm quite reassured that there seem to be so many of us with it... my midwife said it was only about 3% of women...

like happy chick, i'm hoping that mine stays mild and doesn't get any worse.

hugs to everyone with dodgy joints :hug: :hug:
My midwife thinks i have it too...

i'm ok sat and i'm ok when i've been stood for a while but its getting from sitting to standing that is really painful.

i was told i have to ring the docs on monday and see if he can refer me for physio and that 3 % of women with it end up on crutches.

i have only 6 weeks left to work before i finish for xmas and my mat leave starts on 2nd Jan, i'm hoping i can make it that long coz i'f i'm signed off my mat leave automatically starts.

since i've still 13 weeks to go it will be a third of my mat leave gone and no baby. I do have 2 weeks holiday to take so if i can last 4 more weeks i will take it just before xmas so i can still have my mat leave when i want it.

i'll just have to see how i go on.

Huge :hug: :hug: to everyone who has this, it's not very nice.
im just fed up of the pain when i wanna turn over , everytime i need to move in bed it hurts so u wake up , its very annoying !

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