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Jun 19, 2008
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:( can anyone help!!

for the past week jack has been really really fussy on the boob, not feeding well at all.
he will goon ok but then start wriggling and get really frustrated which leads to him having a massive screaming fit! :(
im getting a bit worried because he is only a small baby, he has dropped from the 25th percentile to the 9th!
last week y health visitor suggested giving him formula to maybe try and settle him! ive even tried this but he will only take the odd ounce here and there!
any ideas what it could be and why he is doing this??
he is 18 weeks old!!
although he has never been good at sleeping he seems to wake up 234543234 times a night more than he used to! and is generally a bit grumpier!!!!!

please help any advice would be gratefully appreciated!
Sorry my LO isn't as old as yours so no experience but might he be teething? People keep telling me everything goes to pot once that starts e.g. feeding and sleeping routines :)
thanks 4 the replies!!
how long does it last?? xxx
what midna said :wink: :wink: good luck nicci - hang in there :D
did ure LOs refuse to feed sometimes during this growth spurt!!
sorry 4 all the questions but jack is usually a big booby monster o its a bit upsetting that he doesnt want to be fed :(
yeah, it's all part and parcel of general fussiness and is sooooo frustrating :wall: :wall:
thanks ladies think i would have quit bfeeding a long time ago if it wasnt 4 the advice and support on here xxxx
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Hi Nic :wave: I could have done this exact post as Reggie has started being fussy and is therefoe drinking less in the day as I end up giving up as he keeps pulling off so I leave it til he's hungry enough to stick at it. But he's waking up every 3 hours again in the night to feed so he is making up for it there. Must be the growth spurt!

I have found a trick of getting him to feed though, It may sound weird :oops: .......I use my mobile phone to distract him by keep pressing the button to light it up, he is mesmorized by it so i get him by nipple and when he starts being fussy i put the phone in his vision so he's stares at it and then he just starts sucking! I have to keep it there lit up til he's started to get into it and realised he IS enjoying being fed and wants to carry on...Distraction is the key! :rotfl: xx
ooooo thats a grt idea!!!!!!! cheers hun xxxx
the only thing i would add is asking how your supply is? do you feel let down still? are you leaking still? how many feeds is your baby having in 24 hrs and how many nappy changes are you doing? how are the nappies wet and dirty?

as you may know edward started to refuse me at around 4 months we managed to keep feeding for another 5 weeks.. aswell as substituting with formula because he dropped down the percentiles to. under doctors orders.. or he would have been admitted to hospital..if you can spend the day in bed feeding as much as poss or early night and dream feed as much as possible to keep your supply up then i would do that. if you think your supply is sufforing take fenugreek tablets from holland and barret.. they are fantastic for boosting your supply.. good luck x
midna said:
Hey NICCI hows it going??? Im not going to insult your intelligence as a mother and ask you about nappy content...

really was there any need??? Nicci has asked for help. If you can't do so without having a dig please don't bother as it is not helping Nicci nor any other mum who really needs help with breastfeeding to read this endless point scoring. Other people are allowed to share their experiences and tips without fear of being ridiculed.
Hi Nicci, strangely enough I had a bf tutorial yesterday and we had a few long discussions about growth spurts amongst other things. During this we talked about the 6 week and 4 month growth spurt and how hard they can be. You're being given some fab advice by purple and mids, its pretty much what we said yest - keep feeding baby as much as you can and remember IT WILL END. I know its a tough tiime for you but you're doing bril hun xxx

ReggiesMummy - ur idea is great we didn't actually say that one yesterday.
Gah the 4 months fuss... I remember it well... Its actuallly the time where babies become more cognative in their surroundings. Most can support their heads well and look around, see further than before and have better focus. and why on earth should you be such a terrible mummy and force them to look at you and a boob when there is so much going on around them to look at. :lol: :lol: They are on the precipice of learning to sit too... and what you will find... is that before any milstone is reached (walking, crawling, sitting) they turn into little fustrated monsters :lol:

Its difficult to say if its a supply issue at this stage because by 4 months your body starts to regulate your breastmilk supply so your boobs WONT feel as full.. you won't leak and you may not even notice your let down. Obviously people who introduce formula will notice a significant drop in their milk supply because the formula is telling your body not to produce as much before, because your baby is getting their milk else where which, as in Lisa&Alex case, probably led to the milk supply completely dropping and eventually causing a nursing strike

Its not always the case but its common which is why organisations like La Leche League don't advise introducing formula to help with "sleep" and fussiness. Every mother (even the forumula feeding ones) mention that there is a great deal of fuss around the 4 month stage. But because booby babies have to work harder to get the milk out they tend to be more fussy because all babies are generally lazy creatures. :lol: :lol:

Lil miss also dropped centiles and continues to do so in terms of weight, booby babies don't tend to follow centiles the same way bottle babies do... very slow continual weight gain for booby babies, which is why it has been suggested they are less prone to obesity in later life :) I try and make sure that the height remains ok though as that for me indicates she is still doing well. Weight has a lot to do with whether they are very active, have been ill etc. I do find though that docs/HV/MW put a lot of panicky emphasis on weight charts, which is unnecessary. Babies who are loosing weight and to ill effect tend to look ill too... so again trust your instincts... if your LO is listless, or sleepy or not very alert then you need to look at adding formula for gaining weight... I also found that taking time out to go into a dark room every time lil miss fed, actually MADE her feed better. THere was nothing to look at. But then we have shutter blinds which block out all the light. So it was easy. Maybe invest in some black out blinds? :think: But just keep feeding as often as possible.

Also people say teething at this age is too soon... LIl miss got her first tooth just before 4 months and the second followed soon after. So its entirely possible. :roll: poor things.

You are doing just fine hun... keep at it. Breastfeeding is hard... trust your instincts, do the research, and do what you feel is right. Remember there are loads of long term breastfeeders on here who have been there too and we are more than happy to answer every single one of your 490384903820 questions :) ans support you all the way whatever you decide to do.... its what forums are for :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
thank u soooo much 4 all the support!! he is very nosy at the moment likes to be sat up looking at everything around him!! im just gonna keep going and follow his lead! nappies r wet and dirty so think he is fine!!!

thank u ladies xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx :hug:
I knew I had something somewhere and i've just found it.

"When your is 3 months old, more or less, there is often another fussy period. It is probably due partly to a jump in appetite, and again,m increased nursings will generally take care of this. If baby is healthy and gaining weight there is no reason to add any other food ito the diet. Another factor in the 3 months fussy period, which you may not experience with your baby, is that he stays awake longer and is taking a greater interest in the world around him. Fussing at this age may indicate a need for company and activity"

This is taken from LLL book hun x x
can they have the 4 month fuss early? coz i have one seriously fussy baby over here :(

hope it gets better soon nicci :hug:
When do babies have growth spurts?

Common times for growth spurts are during the first few days at home and around 7-10 days, 2-3 weeks, 4-6 weeks, 3 months, 4 months, 6 months and 9 months (more or less). Babies don't read calendars, however, so your baby may do things differently

Yer they can :lol: tbh the 4 month fuss started around 10weeks for us. We got a bumbo too and put lil miss in that and she loved it and the fuss trailed off for a while... except at feeding times. lil miss could support her head from birth and has always been a nosey parker but it got so much worse at 4 month :lol: :lol: It gets somewhat better... but like now lil miss is "walking" she doesn't want to sit still on mummys lap and have booby... she wants to practice walking :roll: she does nothing but bloody fuss atm, on off on off on off get down, start crying come back for more, on off look at TV, Tia, cat, papa :x ... and I'm reminded of the 4 month fuss stage... :lol: :lol:
I will never forget the 4 month spurt.

Just remember... IT WILL END! :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

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