Here are a few tips to see if anything might help:
Peppermint tea (cool or warm - No coincidence that many heartburn remedies from the pharmacist are flavoured with peppermint. It is supposed to have an effect on the sphincter muscle at the top of the stomach)
Separating proteins and starches in the diet
Increasing folic acid intake
Decrease intake of yeast-containing foods
Slippery elm... Simmer 1/2 tsp of slippery elm powder in 1 Cup Boiling water for 20 mins. Or mix 1 tsp with some honey and eat. Or take easier option of capsules
Chewing raw almonds
Slowly sipping milk
Eating yogurt
Don't drink with meals
Anise, fennel, or spearmint teas
A teaspoon of cider vinegar and a teaspoon of honey dissolved in a cup of warm water. I know it sounds stupid to use vinegar to stop acid, but cider vinegar actually helps to de-acidify the body
Raw potato
Homeopathic remedies would be Bryonia, Causticum, Nux Vomica, Nat Mur, Pulsatilla, Merc, Zinc
Ginger biscuits / Marie biscuits
Sleep propped up on pillows if you suffer during the night
Also, have a look at:
http://www.thelaboroflove.com/articles/ ... ifference/
Hope you might be able to find something that could help....