

Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2010
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Haven't been on for sooooo long!!!! How is everyone????

First off, thanks bethanyann for the pm hun :) You know when you come on and there's loads of posts to get through (I like to read all of them lol), but you haven't got long so you think 'oh, I'll catch up tomorrow'.... And then I kept putting it off cos there were more and more lol!

Anyhoo, my 20 week scan was fine....bubs was lying face down though so was a bit awkward for sonographer!
I told him how desperate I was to know the sex of the baby and he looked at me like I was a bit crazy, then didn't help matters by saying 'well don't paint any rooms pink, but I can't see a willy'.
So I was like 'What? What's that supposed to mean? What are you trying to tell me???? Rah rah rah'....proper pregnant woman rant!!!! In the end he just said 'I'd say 90% girl'.
So although I was/am desperate for a girl, I was so confused after that cos I didn't know whether to be excited or not, and I felt a bit dejected and down tbh, just didn't know what to think!!
It's finally sunk in now though, and everyone I've spoken to say that they only ever got '90%' opinions from their sonographer anyway, so I'm *almost* accepting that my baby is a girl!!
We're referring to her as Lizzie now anyway, so I feel sorry for bubs if it turns out a boy lol!!

Am loving my pregnancy belly now, seems to have grown into a 'proper' one and I had TWO strangers ask me my due date today so it's finally showing, woo!! :dance:
Also feeling Lizzie a lot more, she is fairly still while I'm working but as soon as I sit down and relax she's kicking away!! OH has seen her moving too which is awesome :)

We bought a baby carrier thingy the other day, you know like you wear on your chest, and OH wanted to go buy a dolly to test it out bless him! Got lots of clothes given to us from SIL too, plus a moses basket, so feeling a bit more 'prepared' for the new addition!

Sorry for the long post, but I've missed being on here lol!!!
Hope everyone is good :)
Ahh so glad you're okay! Amazing news that baby is probably a girl - you must be so excited and Lizzie is a really beautiful name! That's so sweet of your oh wanting to get a doll to test the sling!! We bought our pram today, and oh went upstairs for ages just to play with it, n got out all the clothes and stuff too!! Was soo sweet! Getting really exciting now isn't it!! xx
I enjoyed the post. glad to hear you are getting all organised for lizzie and that things are going well xx
how exciting!! just so you know they will never say 100% on a sex as if they are wrong there will be trouble.

So pleased for you, espically as you wanted a girl.

Glad all is well, I felt dejected too when we found out the sex but now am excited and been out to get bits for him now so it is all real!
Glad everything is good, sounds like you are getting sorted.
Hello again, lovely to have you back!

It's nice when you can get bits and bobs for the baby and when you get some bigger stuff, you really feel like hey - I'm having a baby afterall - I'm not making it up, (esp as you sbay you were late to show in the tum dept). Your OH is lovely wanting to play too.

I am sitting here haveing a quick look on PF, before I start my list of things I need, and then I am going to tick off what I already have- lovely

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