argh f**k f**k bollox bugger bollox! UPDATE FOUND THEM YAY


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
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hey, im not gonna be online tonite i dont think, im in a right pickle i need to fix b4 my boyf finds out!

yesterday i was driving home from work and goldfrapp came on the radio. i thought of my boyf coz he LOVES goldfrapp. then i remembered he is going to see them this summer with his friend, he'd payed thru the nose for the tickets coz it was sold out.

and then i just couldnt remember where i'd put them :wall: :wall: :wall:

my boyf always gives important stuff to me to squirrel away coz usually its him whose forgetful or would lose it :|

anyway, i was a busy bee yesterday painting the nursery so it was today when i thought i'd check where iv put them. i had a quick look in all my usual hidey-holes for stuff like that, and i couldnt find the buggers could i :wall:

iv looked in all the places where i think i *might* hav put these blimmin tickets, and theyre not anywhere! :( i just cant remember putting them anywhere (i only kno where i WOULD put things like that) and tbh im not even 100% certain he even gave them to me- he might have them himself all along! but i cant ask him yet, until iv looked thoroughly EVERYWHERE, coz if he HASNT got them, he's gonna be devo'd and im gonna be unforgiveable!

ohhhhhhhhhhh i feel so bad, he'd be SO gutted if theyre lost :(

iv gotta keep looking tonite please wish me luck! and if i dont find them then i hope he's got them after all :pray:

EEK! off to forage now
Try taking out the bottom drawer and looking underneath it, that usually where things I cant find turn up as they have been pushed out the back of the drawer :lol:

Hope you find them hun! :hug:
Good luck, I hope you find them soon.
Annoyingly, you will find them two days after you've given up hope of ever seeing them again and had to face telling your is just the way it is!! :wall:

I hope you do find them! :pray:
awww hun; how frustrating.

"Ask Saint Anthony to help you find them. (he is the patron saint of lost & stolen)

This always works for me :D

Good luck hun :hug:
Tina & Gabs said:
awww hun; how frustrating.

"Ask Saint Anthony to help you find them. (he is the patron saint of lost & stolen)

This always works for me :D

Good luck hun :hug:

Oh dear... :(

My gran used to say you should ask the little people to help you find them! Crazy , yes, but anythings worth a try!
i still havent found them :(

iv looked everywhere i can at the moment, theres just 2 places they *might* possibly be, but they are in the bedroom and i'd need the light on i dont wanna disturb milliepops. so i shall look there 2mro :pray: im not feeling optimistic tho coz they are stupid places to put stuff i think "why would i put them THERE?" but its possible im scatterbrained sometimes and put things in wierd places :?

and if i dont find them, im gonna hav to tell him :(

if it comes to that i really hope he's got them all along- slightly annoying all the time wasted looking for them but i'd rather that than them be lost.

grrrrrrrrrrrrr FFS! where the devil are they :x :wall: :twisted:
LOL i asked saint anthony and also "the little people"! felt like a right t*t, haha! but if it works, then hey- ill thank them too!

hopefully theyre in the silly place which they probably arent, will check 2mro
have you had any luck finding them this morning?


underwear draw, under couch, under matteress, inside books

hope you find them hun.

but i bet he has them lol
Trixi; have you found those tickets yet???????

I really do hope so :pray:
i looked in the silly place (inside my being jordan book thats in the bottom of my wardrobe at the back- idk WHY i thought there but i just had an inkling they might be)- anyway theyre NOT! :wall:

rats! RATS! i really dont feel like broaching the subject tonite. im very tired, iv been working all day and waa-waa had us up since 5.30am, screaming her head off! grr thought yay its a bank holiday so there'll be no traffic got an extra hour in bed but NO! lol baby shat all over that idea! :lol:

yeah and he was grumpy at me earlier coz i made myself a massive bowl of special K and didnt eat it all and he always moans at me for wasting food he dont understand i love a huge bowl of cereal even when im not hungry enough to finish it- a small bowl just doesnt taste as nice the milk doesnt get the taste of the cereal blended in it! anyway he got REALLY grumpy about it- im just not up to tellin him tonite! i kno i got to, ill do it 2mro

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