
Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2005
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He is still soooo poorly and i cant even see any teeth coming!!!!!!!!!

How long do i have to do this, he is up all night and in my bed I AM SOOO TIRED :sleep:

Seriously though WHERES THE BLOODY TEETH!!!

Olivia has had the runs and been waking in the night on and off for 3 days! Been cheaking for teeth every day, but nothing!

Today she has been off all day, screaming on and off which isnt like her at all! I put my finger in her mouth this morning and she has a lump on her bottom gum, right side and when i looked you can see the tooth but it isn't through so im thinking it will be soon!

Sorry to say but they can be teething a while before anything comes through, even tho you cant see the tooth it will be pushing it's self through all the time!

It's horrible when they are in pain and there isn't a lot you can do! I just advice calpol, teething gel or teething rings! If the chew on somting hard it can help them come through!

Hope Ellis is feeling better soon :hug:
I feel your pain :hug: Leorah is only 4 months (today!) and she has been teething over a week. We had 2 good days but then it came back worst than ever yesterday, crying all day, calpol doesn't even take it away properly. She's probably got months until any teeth come through :(

Oh and Kelly the poos! They are so liquid and constant aren't they? I can't imagine how bad the babies are feeling :cry:
Yes it must be awful for them poor little things!

Olivia was very unhappy before bed last nightbut slept a lot better in the night, i was hoping the tooth would be through this morning but it isn't, the lump has just got a bit bigger!

Tooth ache is one of the worst pains to have too!

The worst thing is tho there isn't a lot that you can do apart from give lots of cuddles, but that doesn't always work :(
I sympathise with you all Mia got her first tooth finally last week, but yesterday she seemed to still be in alot of pain-and chewing on her fingers, and it looks like the other tooth is coming up next to it-we gave her a dose of mediced before bedtime-seemed to help her sleep!!

Amy xx
Yeah come on teeth hurry up, I cant see Isabellas coming for ages, her gums dont look hard or red.

She is getting a sore Mary sometimes though, could this be an indication aswell??
oh Keely hun poor little man (and mummy) not long hunny hang in there Alfie has been teething since 2 months old they keep coming up and i can see them then they hide as if they were never there its so frustrating i see one pop up im like YES ITS COMING ITS COOOOOOOOOOMING! aaaaaaaaaaaand its not ....
Breath in through the mouth
and out through the nose
smile sweetly then walk outside and screeeeeeeeeeeeam
VERY theraputic
makes you feel like a new woman! :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Thanks for your support girls i am sooooo knackered!!!

Ellis cried out every hr last night and would not settle again till i picked him up out of MY BED for a cuddle!!!! :bored:

I have got so more medised tonight so :pray: he might sleep a little bit!!!

Eveadel said:
She is getting a sore Mary sometimes though, could this be an indication aswell??

yes i think this is cos ellis has a sore bum, .... not to mention diherea (SP), sickness, red cheeks, dribbling, running nose, sticky eyes!!!!!!! poor little fella :(

Olivia as been sore too!

I think it is a sign! Poor little babes!
Oh dear, poor baby mouths and poor mums!

Elliott has another three coming through now after the top two molars finally came through all the way last week and I thought it was all over. If it helps any of you then some of my friend's babies teeth caused problems the first time but nothing when others started to come through. I think poor Mel has trouble because they always seem to come up together- his first 6 came through within 2 months- 4 of them appearing in the same week but not all coming through entirely for a month. We then had a blissful few months and now it look like 5 coming up in a month (wouldn't be surprised if number 6 was on the way too).

This time he's not as bad at night like he was last week but then they're all on the bottom and I think the bottom front ones caused him less trouble too. The molars look huge though and actually caused a bit of bleeding on Saturday. :( Still thanks ever so much for the Calprofen tip as I hadn't used that before and it's definitely better than the others, at least for this. He's not eating much at all poor fellow but other than that he's not been as upset as he was last week. Now all I have to do is to work out how to get him to let me clean them properly without just chomping down on the toothbrush otherwise these teeth won't be there for long!

I do feel sorry for the babies as it must be hell. Isabella has been freaking out whilst I was in Sainsbury you would of thought she was on the loud speaker, I put some Anbesol on and she quitened down. Even a lady said to me 'is she ok now, how did you get her to stop crying'
What is anbesol? i have calgel but Leorah just licks it off so it does no good.

There is a little boy a few weeks older than Leorah at babygroup whose teething as well and all he does is dribble and chew his fingers, how come Leorah has been so unlucky :(

Keely the hourly crying is familiar! I go in and Leorah is still asleep but crying, it breaks my heart. I have been giving her medised every night and feel so bad for doing it but it means she gets a restful sleep without crying. Will the pain stop again before her teeth come through? I can feel the bumps but I cannot see anything near the surface so it could be months.

All these poor babies, I could honestly cry for them :cry:
have calgel but Leorah just licks it off so it does no good

Olivia does the same :wall:

She was up everyhour hour last night bless her, i hope she sleeps better tonight DF and i are so tired!
Anbesol is a liquid which is supposed to relieve pain instantly. Ive found this so much better than the gels and powders.
Is it for any pain or just teething?

Might have to invest in some fot Olivia wjile she is teething
It is to help with the pain of teething, I think it sort of has a numbing effect. You can buy it in any pharmacy, have a chat with them, for Isabella it really helps.

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