Argggh acid indigestion


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2006
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Has anyone else got bad acid indigestion?? So bad I am eating at least 8-10 rennies a day. My midwife prescribed me a huge bottle of gaviscon which I drank in 8 days :shock:
Is it normal to have it this much??
I get it if I eat, don't eat, have small meals, large meals, drink milk, avoid orange.........basically all the time. TBH I did use to get it from time to time before I got pregnant. It is costing me a fortune in rennie!
hey hun i was so bad i was drinking 500ml of gaviscon in 3 days it was so bad when i rang the gp for my prescription they knew who i was and what to give me :lol: :lol:

the midwife told me not to take rennies as theya re supposed to be full of sugar wich i wasnt aware of and aswell as the 500ml of gaviscon i would be eating 3 packets of rennies aswell :oops:

Hope it gets better for you soon abbes

the joys of pregnancy and they do say if you have indigestion really bad your LO will have los of hair :wink:

Yeah, it's horrid, i have never had heartburn until i was pregnant but my god i hate it!

Just another one of the joys i suppose!!
Gaviscon! my new best friend!

problem is, some of the pills i am on says i can't take it for an hour after taking them :(
:lol: Gaviscon is the first thing i see in the morning and last thing at night, and usually during my pee breaks in middle of night too!
Yep I have just starting hitting the Gav, I find its ok but doesnt get rid of it completely though!! :wall:
:shock: Oh i have been eating rennies like sweets! The texture of gav remindes me of something :wink: :puke: :rotfl: x
nicilou said:
:shock: Oh i have been eating rennies like sweets! The texture of gav remindes me of something :wink: :puke: :rotfl: x

Needs must and all that !!
Vicki83 said:
:lol:and usually during my pee breaks in middle of night too!

:rotfl: me too! Sometimes I angrily scoff down 4 just so I won't be woken up in 20 minutes with my throat on fire!

Thank you all for the reassurance.
I am so glad its not only me, obviously not glad you girls are in pain too but just that I haven't got some stomach dysfunction!
weestar21, my friend told me recently that they were high in sugar, so about 5 weeks ago I switched to the sugar free ones. I will just have to forget the 20 odd packets I ate before that :wink: Gaviscon doesn't always help so I prefer the rennies.
Oh well I guess its just another joy of pregnancy :D
nicilou said:
:shock: Oh i have been eating rennies like sweets! The texture of gav remindes me of something :wink: :puke: :rotfl: x


I don't mind the liquid but the gaviscon tablets are disgusting. They taste like sh*t and stick in your teeth :puke:
nicilou said:
:shock: Oh i have been eating rennies like sweets! The texture of gav remindes me of something :wink: :puke: :rotfl: x

I hadn't noticed, but thinking about it you are right!!! :rotfl:
Misslarue said:
nicilou said:
:shock: Oh i have been eating rennies like sweets! The texture of gav remindes me of something :wink: :puke: :rotfl: x

I don't mind the liquid but the gaviscon tablets are disgusting. They taste like sh*t and stick in your teeth :puke:

I didnt know they did tablets!!

Gaviscom reminds me of gloopy, powdered chalk :( but I still take it!
This is something that has only affected me recently but my god don't I know about it! Nightime ritual now is to put on Stretch mark cream and take a big glug of gaviscon - How sexy is that!!!!!!!!

Stretch mark cream isn't working and neither is the gaviscon...! lololol
Yeah I sympathise!!

We slap on all this cream in hope it will magically shift the marks but hey ho, no joy!

Just gotta pray they fade well :rotfl:
Lyndsey said:
How sexy is that!!!!!!!!
Stretch mark cream isn't working and neither is the gaviscon...! lololol

I've given up trying to feel sexy! My OH keeps calling me Vito, the really fat one from the Sopranos beacuse we both waddle. Cheers honey :roll: :wink:

and all the stretch mark oil does is make my sheets sticky!
think of it this way girls if you want a baby then their has to be some catch,i hated my stretch marks but when i look at my girls i begin to love them because if it wasnt for those marks i wouldnt be a mum to 2 lovely wee girls :wink:
I have been drinking gallons of it to, my mum said its becouse the baby has lots of hair! I got it bad with Luke to and he had lots of hair
Well I must be giving birth to a woolly mammoth then! You're right there will be catches and as long as it's me and not the baby suffering I don't really care. I'm a little grumpy atm as I can't eat the lovely soup OH has made for lunch, but that will pass :D Think I'll nip to the chemists this pm and see what else I can take - I'm on gaviscon atm.
it is absolutely terrible, the worst is when bile comes up in the middle of the night...sorry!
Problem is with Gaviscon and Rennies they only neutralise some of the stomach acid which then is reproduced just as fast, if you know what I mean! That's why you get through so much.I know from when I had serious trouble with acid before pg. Not much else you can do when pg though, that's the trouble hey?!

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