Hello, i wonder if some kind person out there will help me please ? Basically i went and had AI(artificial insemination) with Donor sperm on the 13th of Sept 07.Then on the Sat i started with a mega headache which was so bad on Sun that i stayed in bed all day.On mon the 17th i still had a dull top of head type ache and was now very dizzy & faint also, to the point where i kept nearly falling over ! Being a nurse i told myself that i`d picked up a bug as i`d never heard of headaches being an early pregnancy symptom ? Then i started with mega wind/grumbling noises in my stomach, white mucos on wipeing myself at times and an urge to wee a lot but passing little.My abdomen started feeling very weird, as if it was tight and i could`nt stretch properly and was uncomfy if i did so, say like i slouched on a chair with my legs outstretched, i had to bring my knees in and curl up instead as stretching out was so uncomfy? I also was having slight period type discomfort everyday and lower back painand the fatigue was getting worse daily. By now i thought it was all wishfull thinking and all in my head ! Then on the Sun 23rd i had a bleed, just one