Are these Symptoms of Pregnancy ?


Oct 9, 2007
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Hello, i wonder if some kind person out there will help me please ? Basically i went and had AI(artificial insemination) with Donor sperm on the 13th of Sept 07.Then on the Sat i started with a mega headache which was so bad on Sun that i stayed in bed all day.On mon the 17th i still had a dull top of head type ache and was now very dizzy & faint also, to the point where i kept nearly falling over ! Being a nurse i told myself that i`d picked up a bug as i`d never heard of headaches being an early pregnancy symptom ? Then i started with mega wind/grumbling noises in my stomach, white mucos on wipeing myself at times and an urge to wee a lot but passing little.My abdomen started feeling very weird, as if it was tight and i could`nt stretch properly and was uncomfy if i did so, say like i slouched on a chair with my legs outstretched, i had to bring my knees in and curl up instead as stretching out was so uncomfy? I also was having slight period type discomfort everyday and lower back painand the fatigue was getting worse daily. By now i thought it was all wishfull thinking and all in my head ! Then on the Sun 23rd i had a bleed, just one
What you are experiencing are all signs of pregnancy. How far are you into your cycle? You can experience pregnancy symptons only a few days after ovulation. How long is your cycle normally?
My cycle is on average every 28 days, so i inseminated on the 14th day after doing my ovulation urine checks for 2 months prior to that, so i`d got a clear idea of my cycle.Then i was due on 14 days after, but had loads of signs & symptoms even before then as i mentioned in my earlier posting, and i had a single bleed on wipeing 10 days after the AI, & my period did`nt come on the 14 days after, when it was due.That was on the 28th Sept & it still has`nt arrived & it`s now the 15th Oct, and my next period is now due next week on the 23rd. So, if i am Pregnant, God willing, i will be 4 weeks & nearly 3 days today ! Yesterday i was almost sick in the morning, just wretching, but no outcome! And today i`ve felt nauseous all afternoon !
Will you be taking a test just to see if you are pregnant? It does sound like from all your symptoms that you are.
Wretching and just feeling sick is a very good sign of a healthy pregnancy.

Go and test :D
Sounds like you are pg! Congratulations! But wouldn't you be further along than 4 weeks? More like 8 weeks as you count from the first day of your last period before conceiving, end of august for you? So even better if you are! Have you taken a test yet? Good luck!

Yuu'll be nearly 8 weeks along hun because you count from the first day of your last period.

Take a test!!!

Good luck!

Thankyou for all takeing the time to reply, i appreciate it very much. To just clarify things a little for you, i used artificial insemination with donor sperm ( thankyou men out there who are still willing to help us women desperate for a child, but who can`t find Mr Right ! ). So i know exactly when i conceived, if fingers crossed i have !!!! As i don`t sleep around either! Have`nt got the energy ! So i must of conceived on the 14th Sept, unless those damn aliens got to me first !!!! Only jokeing ! You all sound sure i am, as am i , but those bloomin urine tests don`t agree, as i`ve done 10 now, the 1st one a clearblue digital at ? 2wks gone, and the others intermitently, well to be honest, daily, eversince ! All a negative result so far ! If i`m not, then i`m either physically ill or mentally off my rocker !!

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