Are there any alternatives to cows milk?


Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2008
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Hi all,

Above question says it all really. Don't get me wrong, if when the time comes cows milk is the best/only way to go then I would never deprive Sam, BUT I've always thought it strange that it was decided to babies milk that is meant for fast growing baby cows, not humans! Hence wondering if there is an alterntive.


Lisa xx
I've drunk goats milk lots in the past and liked it. It has a very different taste to cows milk.

On the farm here the sheep are milked. Gets sold for icecream, cheese and so on. Can be drunk also iirc.

Not sure about nutritional content in those milks or if it would equal cows in it all.

Now you mention it, when did drinking milk for children become the done thing. I'm sure going back a few hundred years kids were not bought up drinking it :think: Might go off and do some reading on it all now.
Oooo do share what you find out!

The reason for my question is because from what I can see, cows milk is jam packed full of extreme growth hormones specifically meant for calves, which of course have to grow big and fast!
how about organic milk? surely this does not have hormones ect in it??? we have organic cows milk and im sure you can rerally taste a difference, it tastes better!
Thanks Tink, it's the proteins that I'm also thinking of - they occur naturally from the mother cow to help her calf grow at a much faster rate (than humans anyway!). This says it better than I can explain !

"There is a tremendous difference between human babies and baby calves and a corresponding difference between the milk intended to nourish human babies and baby calves. It takes about 180 days for a human infant to double its birth weight, and human milk is five to seven percent protein. It takes only 45 days for a calf to double its birth weight and cow's milk is 15 percent protein. This protein in cow's milk is of a different composition than that of human milk and is poorly assimilated in the human body. The primary type of protein in cow's milk is casein. According to Dr. John R. Christopher, N.D., M.H., there is up to 20 times more casein in cow's milk than human milk which makes the nutrients in cow's milk difficult (if not impossible) for humans to assimilate"

L xx
ooo i didnt know that. thank you for posting and explaining :D
i love milk, i drink gallens of the stuff!
in that case i no not otehr suggestions other then follow on milk, goats milk or soya! hoep you find an alternative that you want :hug:

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