April wedding


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2007
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I have just come over to the 'first tri' and I am still in very early days.
I have many concerns, as I'm sure many people do, but one of them was brought up by my DH tonight. It was about our wedding.

I am due to get married in a registry office on April 5th which means I will be 25 weeks. It had never even occured to me that there would be any problems. My DH suggested that I should post a question on this forum to see if anyone has any thoughts about this?

He seems to think I will be feeling sick all the time, unable to stand for very long, and so big I will topple over
I think at 25 weeks you should still be able to stand! How big is he expecting you to get?!

I certainly wouldn't cancel your wedding as once the baby is here your mind will be pre-occupied with other things. I hope to still be working at 25 weeks and as long as you plan far enough in advance you should be ok, preparation is the key.

If you need any help with wedding prep im sure friends will always help out - im great at making wedding invites and menus and anything like that if you need some help? Just made my sisters and i did all of our invites, order of services, menus, place names for 300 people. Kept me quiet for a bit!
My friend married at a registry office at 30 weeks and she had no problems at all.

I think you will be fine, plus the registry office ceremony is can last from anything between 20 & 40 minutes depending on what you include in the ceremony so its up to you how long it lasts. Also youre not stood up for the duration. The main standing up will be for photographs, but you could also do some of these sitting down.
Hi Flick,

I think at 25 weeks you will be absolutely fine. The sickness tends to disappear by 16 weeks and you will be pretty much back to normal I think (apart from the extra weight).

I think fundamentally it's up to you though - how do you feel about getting married? It's your day so do it however you like - and good luck xxx
Thankyou for the advice girls, maybe it will put the DH mind at ease :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
25 weeks would be a great time to get married at. If you get any sickness that should be well gone (by around 18weeks, fingers crossed) and you won't be so big you feel like a big heffalump (thats the last few weeks!! :D)

I know I felt my best in the 2nd Tri and early stages of third Tri. Go for it!

:D :D :D
I think you will be fine. Congrats on the baby and also on the wedding. :D
youl be fine at 25 weeks! i have lots of friens that have been married wheile heavily pregnant and its not affcted them at all - at 25 weeks your still in a fairly easy period. Tell him not to worry!
I had an april wedding, the weather was glorious!!!

hello Flick,

congrats on the wedding!! :cheer: I think at 25 weeks you'll be absolutely fine and if at anytime for any reason you did need to sit down for a minute Im sure no-one will object as its YOUR BIG DAY woooohooo!!!!!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

you'll be fine getting married at 25 weeks hon :hug: its very unlikely you'll be feeling sick, although there's a good chance that you'll get tired quite easily.

you might also want to consider an outfit that won't make going to the toilet an issue :)

the odds are in your favour to look glowing and feel great at that stage in your pregnancy. enjoy!!!
You've all made me feel so much better, Thanks :D :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I'd think you'd be fine. The morning sickness stage is usually over by the time you move into second tri.

We got married in a registrars office and tbh, the ceremony itself only lasts about 5 minutes and that you have to stand for, the rest of it was seated while paperwork was filled out and so on before and after. We were all done within half an hour of walking in the door there. Including taking our pics.

Good luck :)
I got married at 34 weeks pregnant.....you'll be absolutely fine hun!! Enjoy your big day :cheer:
id deffo say 25 weeks would be better then any earlier or any later so tell ya hubby to be to stop worrying ! im sure they can find u a chair if u do need to sit down ! and its your day , if u need an afternoon nap have one lol
Hi Flick,

It's so lovely to see you posting in first tri! I hope you stick to your plans you'll make a beautiful bride and will have a fab day. Congratulations on your exciting next few months.

Becs xxx

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