Anything you can claim if not entitled to maternity allowance?


Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2012
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Hi Ladies,

As previously mentioned I am not entitled to Maternity Allowance as I stopped working in September last year to become a stay at home mum so I am 10 weeks too short to claim MA.

My OH is not currently working due to walking out on his job and he has only managed to pick up a temping shift here and there since quitting so money is becoming an issue.

Does anyone know if there is anything you can claim if you can't work due to pregnancy? I am 33+2 today and I thought I had heard something about claiming ESA or income support if you are 11 weeks or less from due date?

Any knowledge would be appreciated as I am finding it confusing looking online x
Wow sounds like a struggle :( I would arrange a meeting with your local CAB office and maybe see if your local children's centre can help x
I wasn't able to arrange a meeting actually in the CAB as there was no-one qualified to talk about MA but they gave me the contact number for the specialist CAB maternity allowance phone line and the person I spoke to there was really helpful. There is a low level MA of £27 per week for those who don't qualify for the full amount but I'm not sure what the criteria is for that tbh. Worth giving them a call to find out? I know it's only £27 but better than nothing? xx

p.s. the number to call is 0345 608 8610
You can get income support from 29 weeks pg which is £50 odd a week paid fortnightly so £100 at each payment. You'll probably be entitled to housing benefit too if hubby isn't working. When baby is here you will be entitled to child benefit (or an extra £13 a week if you already claim it) and child tax credits (or extra per week if you already clam it). If you don't claim either of those, do so now.

HTH :)

I'm sure you must be entitled to income support or something similar, definitely extra tax credits- hope you get it all sorted xx
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You should both be entitled to claim something hun... Everybody is entitled to child benefit but you can't claim that til baby is born! there is esa if your not entitles to mat allowance but if you can't get that you must be entitled to income support! Phone the helplines for job centre or arrange a meeting with cab! You can't go on with nothing xxx
You can also try and claim for the Sure Start Maternity Grant if you havnt already.
Thanks for all the replies ladies, going to make an appointment with CAB x
Just for those who might ever find themselves in a similar situation I was told today that if you are within 11 weeks from due date and OH not working you can make a joint claim for income support that can be paid up to 15 weeks after baby born as long as OH not working. Not sure how much it is yet - waiting for a letter through the post. Obviously if you receive income support you are also entitled to healthy start vouchers, housing benefit etc.

Once my OH gets a new job I won't be eligible to claim anything even if he is on a low wage all we will get is a small amount of tax credits and possibly some help with rent if we are lucky as I have just missed out on qualifying for maternity allowance. In hind sight I should of got a part time job for a few weeks to top me up to the required 26 weeks of working within last 66 weeks you need to get maternity allowance (I got made redundant in September last year and have only worked 10 weeks in the required time period). Definitely worth thinking about if you are a stay at home mum and ever find yourself in similar position to me :) x
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