I think it would definitely take away a lot of the guess work - apparently it tells you when you are going to ovulate within the next day, which is amazing and surely thats going to give you the best chance of conceiving, currently no opk can tell you that for sure they only tell you when the LH surge is happening. I think if you can spare the cash, i.e its not going to cripple you financially, and you have been trying a while it might be worth it, at least you would know that you are definitely doing it at the right time and that you are doing all you can, I might consider it too as in all honestly me and partner have been together for ages and sometimes its a bit of a struggle mustering up the motivation to do the deed, it would be easier if I could just pinpoint 2 or 3 days and just get it done then! And also I might actually use it as contraception later on down the line as Im not keen on hormonal contraception, obviously only once Ive successfulky managed to pop out a baby!