Anyone used OvuSense


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2017
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I heard about this ovusense device, it takes your temp while you are a sleep and very accurate. Anyone used it or using it? any feedback?
I just found it yesterday basically it takes your temp while you are a sleep and tells you before you ovulate. It costs a lot though so wasn’t sure if anyone used it.
I had a little look at this online, if it genuinely does what it says on the tin then it’s amazing, not sure how I’d feel about having to wear the monitoring thing inside you overnight though! It is expensive too but I think it could be worth it, especially for people who spend out on the decent clearblue ovulation tests as you wouldn’t need them anymore x
Yes I read as well. It just sounds to good to be true. If I don’t get my bfp this month than I might buy it. There is an option to buy the starter pack for 79 than pay monthly 20 to keep using it
I think it would definitely take away a lot of the guess work - apparently it tells you when you are going to ovulate within the next day, which is amazing and surely that’s going to give you the best chance of conceiving, currently no opk can tell you that for sure they only tell you when the LH surge is happening. I think if you can spare the cash, i.e it’s not going to cripple you financially, and you have been trying a while it might be worth it, at least you would know that you are definitely doing it at the right time and that you are doing all you can, I might consider it too as in all honestly me and partner have been together for ages and sometimes it’s a bit of a struggle mustering up the motivation to do the deed, it would be easier if I could just pinpoint 2 or 3 days and just get it done then! And also I might actually use it as contraception later on down the line as I’m not keen on hormonal contraception, obviously only once I’ve successfulky managed to pop out a baby!

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