anyone out there?


Well-Known Member
Jul 26, 2006
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its very quiet on here today!

just got back from hols on friday and am on chart day 27, not sure when i OV this month as i ran out of tests last wed while on hols so may have missed it or OV after wed so havent a clue when im due on now this month :wall: :wall:

no symptoms of AF or pg, got a feeling its gonna be another bummer of a month :|
That happened to me on hols in July, my ov was due at some time whilst I was away and I didn't run out but relaxed so much i couldn't be bothered with testing for ov!

Had no pg symptoms and though oh well just try next month.... a week later I got my BFP :dance:

keep your fingers crossed...i got more symptoms waiting for AF's than I actually got when I was pg!

Good luck!! :D
im still hoping, wishing, dreaming and those fingers are def crossed! :hug:

must admit that was very relaxed with the whole thing whilst we were away and it didnt play on my mind at all....until i got home and had nothing exciting keeping me pre occupied.
when are you testing?

I was lucky as I got BFP 5 days before AF was due, very feint but it was there... got a big bluey cross about 4 days before Af...most success sories on here come from chilling a little and a lot of holiday successes!

Really hoping for you :D :pray:
well my cycles have been really irregular, my shortest cycle was last month and was 28 days so could test tomorrow but then i didnt pick up OV with my OPKs so making me think that im on a longer cycle this month (longest one has been 42 days)
Hi Emma :wave:

They do say not to test until what would be the end of your longest cycle i.e. after day 42.

But if your anything like me you'll be testing everyday and again after AF has visited (just in case it was a really strong Implantation bleed) :oops: :rotfl:
I'm terrible...luckily I found ebay and saved a bundle on cheapy tests or it would have cost me a fortune.

Good luck with your testing

Charm X
:rotfl: yeah much the same myself, ill prob be able to hold off for a few more days and then will give into my peestickaholic addiction! :rotfl:

does everyone else convince themselves that any little sign could be pg symptom? ive got really bad aching legs (only my thighs) which is wierd, feel like ive done a major workout at the gym, when it couldnt be more opposite :) very goey cm and thrush, sorry tmi :oops:
I've heard of others with thrush as a symptom of pg!!? So you never know!!! I'm trying hard not look at every little symptom ... soooooo hard tho .... but then again I never get any symptoms of anything really ... other that a little bit of cramping just before AF is due!! Never get that sore boobs lark .....!!!

Also ..... I really want to go on holiday as it seems to work for so many people!!! But can't take any holiday until Jan/Feb next year ... by which time we will have been TTC for a year!! Urgh! There's no hope!! :moon:

Book a hol and pay a deposit and you never know the BFP might be on the way :hug:

Worth a try.

hi bec
sounds like you have been trying for the same time as me? 9 months now? i cant beleive it hasnt happened?! :wall: i only get bad cramps with AF, thought it was my month last month as suffered with sore boobs which suddenly grew a huge amount but AF turned up

i try not to see every little thing as a symptom, just like i try not to use too many pee sticks, doesnt quite work though! :rotfl:

i dont think the holiday thing worked as i dont think i OV but def was far more relaxed so had i OV while we were away then may have worked

good luck hun! :hug:
Yep .... pretty much 9 months now ...... :(

I want sore boobs!! Just so that I can say I've had them!! :rotfl:

Thanks girls .... baby dust to all for this month .... :hug:

just wanted to say good luck to all you girls hope we all get our BFP very soon!!!!
thanks katrina! on cd 29 today and did a test this morning blatent BFN, i missed when i OV this month so have no idea when im due on and worried that i didnt bd at the right time :wall: im getting very fed up now, 9 months is quite a long time isnt it??? people keep telling me its early days still :shock:
Well I think after a year they say you can start going to the docs for tests .... I think I read somewhere that 80% of couples conceive within the first year ... so I guess 9 months isn't massively long .... it just feels like it!!! ARRRGGHHHHH!!!!! How many more months of trying do we have to go through?!!

Still ... I've got a month of not 'trying' to look forward to now ... can't wait :) No pressure!
yeah thats probably more like it that it just feels like a life time for you when you are going through month after month of the dreaded AF arriving :x

we wasnt overly trying this month hence the fact that i think i have missed my OV :| i must admit really noticed the difference in OH this month, we actually bd 3 times on sunday :shock: felt like we were 18 again! :rotfl:
Emma22 said:
yeah thats probably more like it that it just feels like a life time for you when you are going through month after month of the dreaded AF arriving :x

we wasnt overly trying this month hence the fact that i think i have missed my OV :| i must admit really noticed the difference in OH this month, we actually bd 3 times on sunday :shock: felt like we were 18 again! :rotfl:

:rotfl: Bloody marvellous!! I'm really looking forward to my break now!!! :cheer:
well i thought so at the time but was feeling it the next day :rotfl:
god knows what he would do if he found out what I talk about on here :rotfl:

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