anyone not having a 3d scan?

i really cant afford one. and dont think i would if i could.
me and hubby havnt decieded if we are gonna find out what we are having in jan. i would like to know. and i think hes coming round to the idea.
my MIL oh my god, we went shoping yesterday with a friend. and sam said to me are you gonna find out the sex, i said yer i would like to know and my MIL shouted in the shop no, so i shouted back yes, then she said i dont want to know. like its her child. grrrr. i think im the closet daughter in law shes got (shes only got 3 sons) and i married her baby! but her other daughter in law is also pregant about 2 weeks behind me.
I hate when people tell you not to find out the sex of your own baby!
I totally understand people who want a surprise and appreciate their choice:)
I've never had it on here but when I was pregnant with Ava my cousins were awful for it as they waited until the birth to know but I just don't see knowing or not knowing the sex as a surprise for me personally.

Stick to what you want Angie whatever that is on scan day :)
I really cant make my mind up about getting another scan! xx
Stick to your guns angie - its ur choice to know. And just cos you know doesnt mean she has too. I know folk who have found out, and some family members didnt want to know, so they just kept quieter about it. xxx
I thought we'd have to have one to find out the sex. I'm a very organised person so I really want to know so I can think of names and buy things in blue or pink plus my husband is a computer programmer and he says he likes the idea of technology and being able to see how the baby will look.

But, my midwife said that at the 20 week scan that if I want to know, they will tell me. So unless they can't say for sure at the scan then I won't be having one. However...knowing me, by the time it swings around I'll probably have changed my mind. Gotta say that the price does out me off...I'd rather sound an extra £100 on stuff we need or buy a nicer pram or something.
think im gonna wait until my 20 week scan and see if 'bobby' has un crossed its legs, or its stubbon like its dad,.lol my MIL can just have the lump it if we found out. its not her child.
We haven't had any done 1, we couldn't afford to spend that money when we had so much baby stuff to get. 2, hubby hates them says they look like blotchy aliens so dont think it would be worth it. 3, i've had three NHS scans and another booked for december 20th because its a big baby and thats plenty enough scans for me. x

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