anyone know?


Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2005
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Well as some of you know ive been nausious and having cramps and feeling really tired.
Well last week i bled a little half hour after we had sex i went to the bathroom, and just now a week later i went to the bathroom and my pntiliner had blood onit as well as wheni wiped but its very light and not even like a light period.
I thought i got my first period since i havent had it since having kiara and am breastfeeding .
Well do you think this is what i am getting or shouldnt it be heavier ?
Any suggestions would be great, im having real bad cramps right now and wondering what i should do .
I took a blood test yesterday to see if i was preg but doesnt come in till monday which obviously im not if im bleeding?
please someone reassure me its ok?
the 2 periods i have had since ruben was born have been very light and lasted only one day each time, so i wouldn't worry if i were you. i hope i carry on having periods that only last a day!!!!

Petchy liek you mine only lasted a day its gone no went from light to heavy then gone? Wierd
Hi Saulino,

Did you get your result back?
I had very simular, I have finally come on my period today for the first time but prior to this had really bad cramps about 3 weeks ago and very slight blood tinged loo roll but that was it.
If the bleeding is more or always after sex i would def go to doctors !

Hope your ok

I got my results back and im not pregnant which i knew i wouldnt be.
Turns out it was my period, it was gone but now im spotting again? this is all confusing dont know weither its coming or going now.
I didnt think i would end up getting it till i started giving Kiara solids :( oh well i guess i have to get used to them again.

Oh when you girls had your first one how soon after did your next one come, i used to be on the pill and it would come every 28 days on the dot so i have no idea now how long the gap should be .
Thanks Katrina

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