Anyone know about hives

Mar 23, 2011
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I am 6 weeks and 2 days I had a scan last week at 5 weeks which showed everything was normal fetal pole was the correct size etc and have another booked for the 31st to see if they can find a heartbeat, (I'm told that normal)

On monday i can out in a rash know as Hives and I am covered in it, I have been to the hospital everyday this week and have had piriton injections as that seems to help for about 10 hours but then it come back again.

Yesterday I started bleeding :-( and have been told by my doctor I am having a mis-carriage (heartbreaking as this will be my 4th in 18 months) on top of this rash I am so stressed out and I get the feeling that no-one wants to do anything about it and I am amazed that i have no even been sent for a blood test as I'm bleeding

Can anyone help have anyone else had this??
You poor thing, I'm so sorry. Not all bleeding means a mc though have they scanned you again to check? I would go to hospital and demand some answers. You need to find out what is causing the hives, did you get them with your last pregnancies? Have you spoken to a midwife as well? I hope you get some answers soon x
Went in this morning and had another scan baby is fine heartbeat is there and all ok :dance:

They are running some more blood test to see about the hives in the meantime I am still on Piriton
Awh hun, that's awful. I can't believe they're not being more urgent about it :(
Please to see little one is alive and kicking. Great news :) xxx
poor you. Though great news about the baby! Can't believe they told you you have a m/c before they checked it! They shouldn't do that!
That's good the little one is hanging on in there, that must be a weight off your mind. Hope the hives get sorted soon x
have you used any creams?? even creams that you have used before it could be an allergic reaction due to the hormones changing your body sensitivity i have reacted to stuff when pregnant but have been ok when not pregnant hth
Sorry, can't help with the hives but so please to hear beanie is ok xxx
Hi hunny. Ive suffered from hives for years because of allergies. It can be called urticaria and can be horrid and really itchy due to weals on the skin and heat bump like spots. I get it on my legs and have sometimes scratched till Ive bled, its worse at night. I used calomine lotion cream or lanacane and anti histamines. Its awful :(

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