Anyone in Scotland?


Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2011
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Heard of these crazy stormy winds? My OH has just came in from the nightshift all concerned about his 'two girls' lol! So cute! But all the schools and nurseries have been closed in Fife. How bad can it get really? Xxx

its blowing a gale up here in aberdeen, but so far this year i dont think we're as bad as you guys further south. My folks are in ayrshire and all the schools there are closed for severe weather warnings.
We're in dumfries and galloway and its really really windy! all the schools are shut, and its supposed to get worse!! help!!
I know, I feel like My wee flat is ready to blow away :( xxx

it seems to have calmed down a wee bit up here. its quiet for the moment. lol
Its pretty bad! I've just driven home from west lothian where I was sent home from work as the schools are now shut. What is normally a 20 minute journey hook the better part of an hour as I was diverted three times, caught in a two mile long queue and hit by a flying branch!
I'm now in mcdonalds, starving as usual, and the power just went out!

Going home to tuck up in my cosy bed!
I'm in greenock & its still blowing a gale outside all schools nurseries & council buildings are closed just watched BBC news & its to get worse right up until 7pm :( xx stay safe girls xxx
Yeah, I'm at work in Edinburgh an it's pretty bad, I'm working til after 8 anyway so hoping it will have calmed down by then otherwise I'm staying put lol. Hurricane Bawbag they're calling it lol
I seen that on Facebook there lol @ hurricane bawbag!
Lol at hurricane bawbag :rofl: Still blowing a gale here.
Im in barrhead (glasgow) and its really bad street light outside looks as its falling down tonight at some point and poor OH is a roofer and just been called out because there is roof tiles flying of everywere in paisley. The rest of the family are in greenock and there saying its really bad. got to love the name hurricane bawbag like you can blow us away but cant touch our sense of humour lol
I'm in Johnstone not far from Glasgow and the scaffolding around my house is blown around my garden :(:( I'm staying away from my windows x
Did anyone see the trampoline video? That was videoed just up from where I stay!! Lol! Xx

I saw it on Facebook - too funny 'oh my god - trampoline, trampoline, trampoline lol.
yeah the latest hurricane is called "hurricane bawbag" lol wonder who thought up that for a name of a hurricane eh lol xxx
Hurricane bawbag sums up Scotland's humour dont you think! Lol! The video is hilarious! Lol! There is even a wikipedia page set up for Hurricane Bawbag!! Lol! Xxx


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