Anyone heard of getting your maternity pay in a lump sum?


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2011
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After weeks and weeks of battling with HR regarding my maternity leave (which officially started today!) it looks likely that I'm going to be paid my SMP in a lump sum with 6 weeks @ 90% and 33 weeks at £135 pw. This is obviously just the standard allowance, but I'm due to start work again on a new contract pretty soon after bubs is born.

I don't get why they would pay me in a lump sum for 39 weeks, knowing that I'm going to be going back to work sooner than the ordinary maternity leave is up. Won't they end up just asking for most of it back?

If I get a lump sum, I'll get taxed a crapload, and I know I'll get it back at the end of the tax year but still, major bummer.

Does anyone have any experience or heard of anyone getting mat pay in a lump sum? Advice appreciated xx
Iv never heared of them paying it in a lump sun before x

I don't think this pay comes from your work... Doesn't it come from the system? Who then give it to your work who then pay it in your usual day you get paid. So I don't think your work can do it...

I was in a similar situation,battling with HR,change of contract etc but I knew that redundancies were near as I worked for a government agency who had lost lots of contracts!

I was offered to take my maternity pay in a lump sum (6wks @ full pay & remainder at standard pay) I chose to take my pay every month (same pay day as usual) due to the temptation to spend all at once and for the tax reason, I also knew that I would have some control of my finances if I knew why money was coming in every month.

I eventually got made redundant 1 week into maternity (got holiday and redundancy pay that month and then continued to get paid by the company every month) please don't think that this will happen to you.I hope that you manage to get sorted out and that HR do not cause you too much stress :)
Thanks ladies. I think if they give us a lump sum we'll just take it, I've had too many battles with HR already! xx

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