Anyone having/had private scan?


Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2015
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Just wondering really- I don't know whether to book one or not just for peace of mind! This is my 3rd pregnancy and haven't had one with the previous ones and all worked out fine. Think I'm more worried this time round as it was a complete surprise and also I want to know if there is 1 or 2 in there. Opinions please- are they worth it?? I feel like I've ages to wait for my scan as I'm not seeing the MW until 8th sept when I'll be nearly 10 weeks x
I've just had one at 10+4, actually measured at 10+6. I tried to hold out until my 12 weeks scan but it isn't until 07/09 and I've been really anxious, not sleeping and worrying myself sick. It's baby no 2 and I don't remember being so bad with my first!
I loved the experience and am so pleased I went, hubby is too and he wasn't really looking forward to it, he worried about the lack of medical experience etc. I found a clinic who use NHS trained staff and have new machines, happily it had a £40 special offer too.
I think we will be stopping at 2 babies so there probably won't be a next time but if there was I wouldn't put myself through waiting so long! Xx
I had one that cost £39 and was at 7 weeks. I had two early miscarriages before my daughter so I get really anxious in those first few weeks and seeing the little heartbeat makes me feel so much better. When I saw my midwife at my booking appointment though she said if I'd rung them they would have told the EPU to give me one on the NHS. So might be worth asking x
I had the harmony test that included an ultrasound at 13+5 - I'd already had my nhs 12 week can.

Obviously there were other reasons why I picked this because I wanted the better screening test but I can honestly say that the whole experience was fab. The scan was with a consultant and I saw both 2d and 3d images. He was very thorough and went through all the anatomy of the baby checking everything was ok (abit like nhs 20 week scan). I'm still waiting my screening results but I can honestly say the scan was the best experience. Didn't feel rushed, took lots of one explaining things, really put my mind at rest.

If I had the money I do that all the time but at £500 for the combined screening it's just too expensive to consider
I had one at 7 weeks. When I found out I'm pregnant I was 4 weeks and my first nhs scan wasn't until 13 weeks I couldn't wait that long and went to have one at 7 weeks. Saw the baby and strong heartbeat, as this is my first baby and I hardly had any symptoms the scan was a reassurance that everything was ok and I would do it again.
Hi, I hAve booked my private scan for Sunday when I should be 9 weeks. Leave it as long as you can, as you will see alot more! X
Yes I have booked one for saturday 12th. I'll be nearly 10 weeks but not sure when my nhs one will be.
This is my first too - can't wait to see it. Think that will make it feel real!

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