Hi Rachel,
I am sure you know how hard it is and has been for your sister, you will know her hormones with the treatment will be very similar to your own at the moment, I can't say that you or her are being selfish! you both have fears for each others feelings, From what you have written we can see you love your sister dearly, and i am sure she does you... Can i tell you what happened to me yesterday...
As you know i have just lost my baby on monday, I had to visit the GP yesterday, i met my cousins wife, she is due her baby mid December. I felt her awkwardness as she expressed her sorrow for my loss. I also saw her cover her bump (almost trying to sheild me from it) I admit i looked at her and wished that i was still pregnant, i wished that i was able to share my joy about when i was due and morning sickness woes... but i couldn't. This does NOT mean I wished that it was me that was pregnant INSTEAD of her. I am very happy for her... i wish her well and a very happy healthy baby.
I hope explaining my feelings here, Raw as they are that you might understand how she may be feeling and how you may be reacting to her too...
If i could be so forward to suggest that you try and involve her with your pregnancy, you call her. be the strong one here. As you both do need each other npo matter how wonderful or sad the IVF treatment turns out.
Sort this out now.. don't let it go on... write her a letter if you can't say how you feel...
I hope i haven't offended you or upset you.. i wish you well and i hope you and your sister sort things out. Take care Happy PG
Lv Yvonne xx