Anyone had MEPTID as pain relief during labour?


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2007
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This is offered in the birth centre that I would like to give birth in and just wonderd what your opinions are.

Whats it like?

Was it a good pain releif?

Any pros & cons?

How did you feel on it?

How was baby once born?

Would you recommend it?

Many thanks in advance for your help.
Thanks Sherlock, I tried to Google it but nothing much came up but then again I googled "Meptid pain relief during labour".

Thanks again will have a good read.
I think someone who has given birth in the last few weeks has had this....cant for the life of me rememebr who though!!! :think: Im sure they'll come on the forum soon when they get a spare few mins and see this though :) god that wasnt very helpful was it :rotfl:
I remembered!
It was DebbieM!! :cheer: PM her hun and ask her :)
I hope they use it in my hospital!
Pethedine makes me sick as a dog! Diamorphine isnt as bad but if this one is better I want this one!! :D
I had Meptid and I have to be entirely honest and say that I do not have a bloody clue as to whether it helped me or not as I was SOOOOOO high on gas and air at the time that I didn't even know who I was LOL

Sorry I can't be of much use. I'm sure it perhaps did something but my world was spinning at the time and all I remember about the jab is having blood running down my leg after it had been done and wondering why I was bleeding from there too :rotfl: and then about 3 days later I noticed a massive bruise and remembered having the injection LOL.
Matt just reminded me that the MW (apparantley) told me that it would make me feel very relaxed and may even allow me to sleep between contractions (although I didn't have time to sleep from the injection to pushing anyway!).

Luke wasn't affected by it at all either which was the main thing!

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