Anyone had an internal?


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2011
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I had an exam yesterday and cervix was soft but sadly closed :(, I think this kid had bricked himself up in there. The mw did warn me I would get spotting after and I did, more than I thought tbh but it stopped about 7pm. Just woken up and it's started again, it's brown blood so I'm not panicking but is it normal for it to start up again? I have really bad period pains in my right side still but no contractions again :wall2: xxxxxxxxxx
I've not had an internal but didn't want to read and run! BB I think LO must be well and truely comfy in there! I hope something works for you soon! xxx
Yes hun, it can start and stop a bit, i found this, sorry alberts not playing ball but i'm sure things will progress soon. xxx
Thanks nurse, as long as I know it can stop and start I won't worry over it xxxxxxxxx
How u doing this morning Hun? I've been thinking about u through the night wondering if u had gone in xxxx
I am bruised and battered but the contractions have stopped again :roll:. Every time Albert moves is agony, I ended up on the phone to triage at 9pm crying and saying it feels like he's coming out of my bum lol. I think I might have been in back labour, fuck that I want a c-section if that's how it's going to be!!!!!

Anything happening to you after you busy day? xxxxxxxxxx
Oh hunnie hope things get moving for u today. Nothing else for me have managed to dtd though so fx something starts to happen today, not getting my hopes up though xxx
Woohoo for dtd lol. My OH is not coming anywhere near me this weekend after that internal, I'm sure she should have been a vet and not a midwife :shock:

Just going to take it easy today, might go out for a walk later but that's about it. Every time I step my bump hurts lol. I can't wait til Monday now, wasn't looking forward to my sweep but need to talk to the consultant cos I am not going through this for another 2 weeks xxxxxxxxxx
Take it Easy today then but not too easy don't want Albert getting to comfy in there lol xxxx
You're not wrong lol. If I could stand it I'd start poking him. I'm still taking the epo but don't want to do anything else cos I'm scared of the pain now :roll:, can you imagine what I'm going to be like in proper labour? What a whinge bag lol, bring on the epidural!!!!!!
Yeh I can imagine, I've been there once before. Not nice to say the least but worth it in the end, xxxx

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