anyone had a dermoid cyst removed?

Gem & Leland

Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2006
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ello :wave:

as those in ttc know ive finally got my op appointment throught to have my dermoid removed :cheer: altho its come though 3 days b4 my birthday and will be 2nd year running ive had surgery b4 my day its just a releif to know it will be out soon !

just wondered if anyone else has had the same kinda op ?

im down to have it done via laparoscopy so minimal recovery , but as its fairly big ( over 6cm by 6 cm - that was in nov) if anything has changed / attached to ovary then it will be done by major open surgery.

noones really told me what the recovery is like , how long cant i drive for ? my job is manual (lifting paint tins all day and driving round london), also will i be able to get back to bding !???!!! and of cause will it affect ovulation ! if this dermoid has beeen the only route to me not concieving then of cause i want to get back to it asap ! cant find any info online :wall: have seen a couple of comment cant drive for a week to two (but seen nothing about lifting) and no sex for 6 weeks :shock:

anyone had this done and can shed some light for me ? thought thought that i wont be able to bd untill possibly july is scaring me ALOT ! seems to fair away ! and by then i would have been trying for 19 nearly 20 months :shock: :cry:
sorry i cant help you on this one
just wanted to say good luck and hope you make a speedy recovery
I dont have any advice hun sorry, i have a dermoid cyst aswell, but mine is only 3cm by 4cm, can i ask how long u have had yours??
they found it in nov when i was having a scan for pcos . dont think ive had it long as when i was preg in 2005 there was no mention of it

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