Anyone gone off any food or drink yet???


Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2007
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I don't seem too bad at the minute but there is one thing I can't stand the thought of and it's......boiled ham sandwiches!!! :puke:

My DH made me one for my lunch the other day and I managed half of it before I wanted to throw up so I left the other half. Now just the thought of boiled ham makes me gag!!! I used to love it before and would have it on my butties nearly every day!!

I've not had any real proper cravings yet but I am loving starburst and wine gums... :dance: got a bit of an urge for garlic too....yummy!

Any of you got any other strange likes or dislikes yet??
not strange but i seem to feel really sick when i think about chocolate, im glad in a way becuase i wont put on weight with eating tons of the stuff (i LOVE chocolate) lol OH bought me a massive thorntons easter egg a week or so ago ( i know a bit early but i wasnt feeling too well and he bought it me lol) and its still in the kitchen, i cant face eating it :puke:

i wouldnt touch the stuff anyway being pregnant...but alcohol, makes me feel sick thinking of that too, OH had a few lagers other night and i felt sooooo sick with the smell :puke:

tbh i cant face eating anything like pizzas, even chips we had other night and i could only manage a few

loving fruity things at the moment, oranges, juice, fruity sweets and defintely ice lollies...mmm hmmmm lol :D
Oh yes! I have gone off loads of things, really can't even stand looking at any kind of green vegetable, :puke: whereas a few weeks ago I was eating bowl fulls of brussel sprouts. I don't really want meat but make myself have something every week. Each day I have to really think about what I want to eat, I can think I want something, go to the fridge and it makes me feel really sick so have to find something else. My poor husband has had to cook every meal for the last few weeks as just some of the smells can put me off eating. Its really weird!!
One thing I love though are strong tasting crisps and I really enjoyed having a curry the other night, I can see me eating a few of those!
MissGobby said:
loving fruity things at the moment, oranges, juice, fruity sweets and defintely ice lollies...mmm hmmmm lol :D

Old wives tales say that fruity cravings are meant to be a sign that you are having a girl!!

My friend craved friuty ice lollies all through her pregnancy and she had a girl.
Chrissy1 said:
MissGobby said:
loving fruity things at the moment, oranges, juice, fruity sweets and defintely ice lollies...mmm hmmmm lol :D

Old wives tales say that fruity cravings are meant to be a sign that you are having a girl!!

My friend craved friuty ice lollies all through her pregnancy and she had a girl.

ooooooooh :D also OH's mum said that OH's brothers GF (she has a 2 yr old) was feeling sick throughout the day when she was PG with her daughter but OH's mum was pyshically sick in the morning with both her sons..... :D
I've also completely gone off chocolate too! Usually need my daily dose of chocolate but not touched any in over a week! Wonder if this will last past easter!
Not craving anything in particular, loving fruity things at the moment too and may have to go buy some ice lollies now I've read the last few posts! :D
I have gone off meatball subs, am gutted they were my fave!!!
Have gone off loads of stuff and after drinking pints and pints of it i now cant face OJ!!
*creeps in from 3rd tri*

I used to eat a LOT of fish - the only healthy thing i ever ate.
I haven't touched it since 6 week pg. Now even the word makes me gag!
i've gone off cheese...

used to lose cheese on baked pototo, toast, and pizza and things, now cant stand it...

and my dad was making fudge other day, had to put towel under my door, the sweet smell was knocking me sick :(

what a great thread!

Miss Gobby, iv also heard things like your craving means a girl!!!

i have totally gone off anything to do with an indian. the thought of it makes me physically sick! :puke:

i went through a phase a few weeks ago of loving meat but more the flavouring

* beef paste on toast
* beef flavoured noodles
* steak pie and lots of veg

its strange as before i got preggers i hated meat and tended to eat crap instead of meat!
I never used to eat chocolate, and now I am eating tons (not good, I know)...

On the plus side, I am still craving fruit (hoping this means I am having a girl... :cheer: ) which cant be bad for me.

DH and I were cooking dinner the other night, and I was just salivating at the thought of eating the apples we had bought, and I couldnt wiat until after dinner to have one! :rotfl:

(I have put on 2 kilos so far... gonna put up another post about this, as my midwife has worried me...) :oops:
Not yet, although the smell of spirits makes me feel a little off!
also meat now, OH was cooking a beautiful thick steak last night and i had to cover my nose up it was making me heave, as it was this morning when i could still smell it from last night - i am hating meat at the moment, just the thought of it makes me want to :puke: still loving fruit though, bought melon, strawberries, grapes and oranges yesterday lol
MissGobby said:
also meat now, OH was cooking a beautiful thick steak last night and i had to cover my nose up it was making me heave, as it was this morning when i could still smell it from last night - i am hating meat at the moment, just the thought of it makes me want to :puke: still loving fruit though, bought melon, strawberries, grapes and oranges yesterday lol

I was exactly the same with my son. Couldn't stand red meat at all! This pregnancy - baked beans ! Thinking about them makes me heave. :shock:
Had really strong craving for fish a few times which is weird cos i craved fish like mad with my son. Have gone off food fullstop really. Just don't fancy anything, don't wanna cook anything, don't feel inspired by anything. have had a nasty cold though that am just gettin over so maybe thats why cos everything tastes weird at moment :roll:
I've gone off most foods through out the first tri so far :( Just eating cos I have too.

I hope I get my appetite back soon.
I've been like that for the past couple of days. Just don't fancy anything... I know I'm hungry because my tummy is rumbling but I don't really feel in the mood for anything. I'm pretty much just eating because I have to too.

although..... I could really eat grlic kievs and chips with mushy peas at the minute.... yummy :lol:

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