Anyone feeling down?


Oct 12, 2008
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Does anybody else feel down? l have felt low for a few weeks and its not lifting. Is this normal? l dont have any reason as such, l am happy l am pregnant although it was a surprise. l did plan to study and get a better job and do feel a bit stuck in a rut so to speak. l dont know if this is the reason or l am just searching for something.

S x
Dont worry hun I feel the same.
I wanted to be in the police force so badly, but now I feel so bummed I cant do it.
Im happy Im pregnant but I dno somedays I feel like what if i haddent been, would I be happier etc?
I think its just pregnancy hormones babe :hug:
hiya! don't worry, you are not alone... lately i've been feeling quite down. its not for having the baby (it was planned), but i'm kind of scared about the future, the wellbeing of my little one... etc.

let's blame it on the hormones...
hey...don't feel so bad! Just because your going to be a mummy doesn't mean you have to give up your dreams.

I found out i was pregnant with this baby a month before i was about to start uni to study nursing, i am still going just have had to put it on hold until september 2009.

You can do anything if you put your mind to it....i hope you start to feel better soon :hug: :hug: :hug:
Thanks girls. Its helps to know l am not alone. l know l am so lucky to be having another wee one, it is the best thing in the world. Maybe l will win the lottery and not need to worry about work!!

S x
I find myself some days asking why are we doing this again??? esp when Ali was getting up at 3am every night :wall: I belive its totally normal to have down days hun, i really have more down days than happy days :hug:

All these down days are worth it when ur holding bubba :hug:
I feel a bit down, like this morning when I feel as though Im not very big for nearly 18 weeks, Im sure Im supposed to be bigger and Im not feeling bubba move yet, and that worries me.
It's very easy to feel down at this time. I've often been sat in the sitting room reading a book or watching TV and OH has come in to find me in tears - or I get thrown into a panic for the smallest things. Everyone feels conflicted about a pregnancy, whether planned or not - we have been waiting for this one for over two years and still I feel sometimes that two kids will be too much for me! Or I feel that I won't love the second child as much as the first! Hormones and normal human feelings!

Scones, it's normal not to feel the baby move till about 20 weeks, especially with first pregnancy, and even then they say that the doctor will not worry if they can find heartbeat and everything seems ok. Don't worry hun. :hug:

Cheers hun, it is my 2nd, my lad is 8 yrs old so I forgot when i felt movements with him......

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