Anyone experienced this? Please advise.

Mrs W.

Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2010
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When I was very early pregnant I had some dark brown spotting until about 7 weeks. Even had a day when there was a good splash of bright red blood in my underwear. Since the 7 week mark, it has stopped and I just have the normal whiteish CM on my underwear and when I wipe, which although is not my fabourite thing in the world, I know is normal and I don't worry about. Sometimes it has been a yellowy colour too but never anything I've worried about.

About two hours ago I went to the loo and it was a different colour. I can't say it was brown but it had definitly got some sort of orangy/browny tinge to it. It must have been from the morning as it was dry and the fresh CM wasn't the same colour as usual. I wiped and nothing any different to normal was on the paper. I must stress that there really was only a very small amount on my underwear.

My initial reaction was "Argghhh!!" and panic, I am rhesus negative and the MW warned me at my 16 week appointment that if I ever have any bleeding I have to inform hospital straight away. Now, as I said there was only a very small amount and I really couldn't class it as blood at all but it made me very worried that this might be the start of a bleed.

I rang hospital and told them the symptoms. The MW was lovely and asked if I had any pains and if baby was moving as normal. I have had no pain and have felt baby moving today. She advised me to wear a pad to see if there is any more and if it gets any worse to get back in touch with them. So far (touch wood) there has been nothing more, just the usual CM. But I am worried about what it might have been, if anything. I am hoping I am worrying for nothing and that it was just a slight change in my CM which is nothing to worry about. Just wondering if anyone else has had any changes in CM?

BTW, I am almost 30 weeks, if that is of any consequence.
Sorry hun no advice really except to say that my discharge has changed to a sightly darker colour in the past few days - but have just put it down to hormonal changes and bod getting ready. Best to keep an eye on it but sounds like you'll be fine xx
It's not uncommon to have slightly orange or even green cm during pregnancy. As the blood flow down below is hugely increased while you're pregnant too you may even get spots of blood if anything irritates your cervix, especially after sex. If you're at all worried just give your midwife a call and get checked out but as you've had nothing since it sounds like you have nothing to worry about.

Have you had the Anti D? x
i have had this through my pregnancy hun im not rhesus neg but my waters have shown blood all the way through even if i dont get the orange/brown cm mine changes by the day white normally then in the evening it can be greeny the next morning orange :/ then white for three + days bodys are wierd things when preggers - i would just keep an eye on it though coz your blood type x x x

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