anyone ever taken valuim to fly?(anyone else scared of flyin


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2006
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i haven't really said anything on here before but earlier Georgia my eldest (11) has flown out to see her best friend who lives on Orlando Florida, she has gone out there with my best friend & her family who were going for a holiday anyway.
she is staying with her best friend for 2 wks, it broke my heart letting her go, but a mixture of things stop us from going:

money, for all 5 of us to go it costs a fortune.
Louie being a baby & so young to fly fro a long haul flight.

but the biggest factor for me is that i am absolutely shit scared of flying.
has anyone on here experienced a fear of flying & what do you do?

its that bad that its stopping me from taking the kids anywhere, just coz America is expensive, we could do a week somewhere hot, but i feel sick if i see a plane.

this moring at Gatwick i wanted to be sick when i saw a plane fly over.
plz someone advise me :cry:
I'm the same as you. I'm terrified of flying. Absolutely hate it. I always get tranquilisers from my doctor before I go.
My brother lives in America and last time we flew there/back, I was pregnant so I couldn't take anything and it was HELL. I was a nervous wreck.
I got a Paul McKenna hypnosis CD last year off Ebay. I'll see if I can find it and I'll copy it for you.
God knows where it is though.
I hate flying, usually have panick attacks and all sorts. I find squeezing some ones hands and shouting 'fuck fuck fuck' helps :lol: You wont make any friends on the flight though. My uncle takes something to help him on flights and it works really well im not sure what it is though. :hug:
Hi honey, I completey sympathise too.

I am terrified of flying. I panic, cry, get symptoms of a heart attack and get quite hysterical during take off, turbulance and landing.

I usually take diazepam...however, I have a little break through this year!!

I see a psychotherapist because I suffer from exterme anxiety. This year he taught me some meditation exercises...really simples ones where I visualise being very relaxed about flying.

I didn't believe they would work so I got some diazepam from the docs in case.

However, the day before I was due to fly to Hong Kong, I found out I was pregnant :shock: no diazepam!!!! :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

I HAD to rely on the meditation techniques and guess worked brilliantly. I fell alseep through all 5 take offs because I was so relaxed. If there any turbulance, I started to meditate to sleep I went!! I was amazed!!! My hubby was thrilled.

I can't recommend it enough!!! I am happy to pm anyone and tell them how to do the breathing/meditation if you're interested.
I was thinking of posting about my fear of flying the other day.
It seems like all of you are speaking on my behalf. Flying is my biggest fear. I went on holiday to California last year and the journey was a nightmare for me - panic attacks, etc.
I really wish I could get over that fear because i'm due to go to the caribean next year.
thankyou girls for the replyies, glad i'm not the only one then.

LucyBee: what do you mean by tranquilisers? is that Valuim?& thats a fantastic thing if you could copy me the CD, thankyou very much :hug:

Jenna: had to :rotfl: at the bit where you said you say 'fuck fuck fuck' i would be too if i didn't have the kids there!!!

Happy bunny, i took Diazepam for having a wisdom tooth removed & didn't feel anything except slightly drowsy for about 10 mins :think: the meditation sounds great though, if you could PM me that would be great :D

Laetita: obviously if you want to go to the Caribean you'll have to sort something out, maybe try these breathing techniques from Happy bunny/

i am scared of the amount of people they cram on a plane! the height of it, & the way it feels like its gonna drop out the sky at any minute.
almost like a car going up a hill thats struggling!
i'm a nutter :(

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