Anyone else........


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2010
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.....getting like a stitch like pressure in one or other side of their bumps? I usually just get it when Ive had something to eat but jeeeez it can be painful at times! More like a muscle thing than anything else and not at all worried about it just wondered if Im the only one lol!

Also....Ive had BH from pretty early on but have noticed the last couple of weeks they are coming more often and a lot more painful....nowhere like in labour and know they get more painfull towards labour etc but they have started getting to the point where I have to stop what Im doing till it passes!

Cant remember them being this strong this early on......

Hey! Sorry I'm not gonna be much help as I swear I've only had like 2 braxton hicks in the whole of my pregnancy lol and I have the odd stitch pain, mainly when I'm having sex tmi! X
Wilma, I get stitch quite often on the right lower side of my bump when ive overdone things a little bit or ive stood up a little bit too quickly.
Ive also had braxton hicks from quite early on, maybe around 21 weeks, and they are getting stronger and a lot more frequent, but they have never been painful. They do sometimes stop me from doing what im doing because its uncomfortable as its right up to my ribs xxx
I kinda get a stitch thing on my lower back at the left hand side, usually worse in the morning when I've held pee in though.

My braxton hicks and pains are alot worse these days :-( i don't know how to cope with it for another 4 weeks if they get worse.

Wilma, probably stronger this time as it's your second.
Thanks Ladies...seems were all getting something similar ehh!! I just want the real ones now lol ha ha!!

Yeah PP your right, prob somethng to do with it being my second baby

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