Anyone else waiting to test?


Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2007
Reaction score
Im 5 days in and no af - all bfn so im frustrated and waiting. I hope i get bfp soon - anyone else waitied a long time to test.
:hug: hope you get an answer either way soon, it's the waiting thats so annoying isn't it!
not time for me to test yet but counting the days lol
I am too!! I know I said I wouldn POAS until 10 DPO but I got some hpts on offer today and just had to do one. It was only a 25miu one so I knew it would most likely be a BFN but had to do it none the less!! I have some 10miu ones coming tomorrow so I shall POAS then as well. I am such an addict :oops:

AF should of come on saturday for me. testing tomo when i get a kit. i hate the waiting and not knowing :(

good luck to you and hope it's a BFP's all round :)
AF due this wed/thurs....sitting on my hands desperately trying not to POAS :wall: So far today, to avoid testing, I've bitten all my nails off and eaten a crap load of chocolate! :roll: Got AF type cramps though since weekend so I recon she's on her way :(
KJL said:
AF due this wed/thurs....sitting on my hands desperately trying not to POAS :wall: So far today, to avoid testing, I've bitten all my nails off and eaten a crap load of chocolate! :roll: Got AF type cramps though since weekend so I recon she's on her way :(

Or they could be stretching pains ready to accomodate a growing bean! :pray:
SpaceAngel said:
I am too!! I know I said I wouldn POAS until 10 DPO but I got some hpts on offer today and just had to do one. It was only a 25miu one so I knew it would most likely be a BFN but had to do it none the less!! I have some 10miu ones coming tomorrow so I shall POAS then as well. I am such an addict :oops:

Lmao i have some 10 mui ones hopefully coming tomorrow - will see! will test though when i get them as i am a poas addict too"
I might even be tempted to go an do another one, just in case my urine was too diluted earlier on :lol:
SpaceAngel said:
KJL said:
AF due this wed/thurs....sitting on my hands desperately trying not to POAS :wall: So far today, to avoid testing, I've bitten all my nails off and eaten a crap load of chocolate! :roll: Got AF type cramps though since weekend so I recon she's on her way :(

Or they could be stretching pains ready to accomodate a growing bean! :pray:

:pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: ......right now going to eat some more chocolate :rotfl:
crunchie - yum! plus it hardly counts as chocolate since the inside is pure sugar :rotfl: :rotfl:
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: Thanks SpaceAngel and Jen_N...the crunchie it is then...I won't count the middle bit a calories then :rotfl: Maybe i'll just have both :shock: Oh god I'm a pig :puke:
nah, it's not calories, it's full of holes :rotfl: :rotfl:
Mmmmm I love a good crunchie! If its your OH's crunchie then its his calories so you wont have to count any at all!
Awww, you guys are killing me with this chocolate talk! :lol: My big treat today was olives from the deli counter at Sainsbury's!
Jen_N said:
nah, it's not calories, it's full of holes :rotfl: :rotfl:

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: Too damn right, loads of holes = loads of air...I think my scales may disagree though :rotfl:
SpaceAngel said:
Mmmmm I love a good crunchie! If its your OH's crunchie then its his calories so you wont have to count any at all!

Ooooh it IS OH's crunchie....this is great! I've had a whole crunchie to myself and no calories in sight :rotfl:
My scales have an attitude problem. As soon as I turn them on, they say "Don't even think about it" and then when I ignore that statment and stand on them they blatantly lie to me. There is no way that I weigh that much :shakehead: :rotfl: If they carry on, I am going to send them to rehab!

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